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"Hermione Granger" Hermione walked up to the stage. Hermione you are matched with Draco Malfoy. No she thought. It could not be. The sorting hat at the end of last year said he found the perfect person for her. How could it be Malfoy? Ginny was up next I wonder who she will get Ginny you are matched with Blaise Zabini. She looked mortified at who she got. Next Luna got Theo Nott. Astoria Greengrass got Harry. And Pansy Parkinson got Ron and Daphne Greengrass got Neville. We all look absolutely livid with anger except Luna but even she doesn't seem happy. After the rest of the matches are told we are told that we are to be engaged as of now and we have a year to be married, living together, and have a kid on the way or we will have our magic taken away forever. I guess I am stuck with Malfoy forever. We all are walking out of the castle to go home when the slytherins stop us. Astoria speaks first. " We are stuck with each other forever now so we might as well try to make this work because there is no way I am going to become a muggle. " "what do you mean?" Harry says. "We are all meeting at Dracos house to get to know each other" Blaise says. "well I guess that might not be so bad" Luna says. "Fine" I agree.

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