The Rocky Road To Dublin

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My name is Mackensie Annie, I am 27 years old. I have brown eyes and light brown hair. I stand at 5 foot and 6 inches. And weigh about 130 pounds. I am also married and have three children, two boys; Aidan Neil who is 5, Marcus Colm who is 3 and one girl; Bentley Molly who is 1. I have been married for 6 years now.

Oh did I mention that my husband was/ is from "The Moy", Ireland. He has dark brown hair (looks black) and blue eyes. He has the voice of an angel. He is also in a band, well they are solo artists but have some songs that they all sing. In the band and on stage my husband acts like a "bad boy" but off stage he is humble and quiet. If you didn't already guess it, my husband is Ryan Kelly from Celtic Thunder.

At the moment we are on a plane to Canada. Neil, Colm, Ryan and I (and all three kids), and Emmet are all on the same flight. George is already there and Keith is going to meet us there. Bentley is asleep in her seat, Emmet is playing with Marcus and Neil is playing with Aidan. Both Colm and Ryan are asleep. We have been in the air for 13 hours, the flight is 14 hours.

Neil gave Marcus a piggy back ride through the airport, Aidan was holding Ryan's had and I was pushing Bentley in the stroller. Ryan was carrying our bag while Neil's was in the basket on the stroller. Colm and Emmet were also walking with us. George was going to meet us at the baggage claim. While on Neil's back Marcus fell asleep. Once at the belt where the bags would be Ryan let go of Aidan's hand.

"Uncle George." Aidan said as he ran to George. George picked him up and gave him a hug.

"Hey Aidan, how was your flight?"

"It was good. Colm and Ryan slept the whole time. Thankfully Neil and Emmet helped me out. The kids did well for the long flight. Both Bentley and Aidan slept for a little bit, but as you can tell Marcus was awake the whole trip."

"Neil why don't you help Mac with the Children, Ryan and I will get your bags." George replied as he placed Aidan down.

"Are you okay with that Ryan?"

"Yea I am."

Neil had two duffle bags, two suitcases and his guitar; Colm had the same as did Emmet. Ryan and I had 6 suitcases and three duffle bags. Then Ryan also had his guitar. Neil's things were with Ryan and my things on the luggage cart, Emmet and Colm shared one. If you are thinking we had a lot of luggage it's not. Take in we will be on the road for three months. Plus all of Ryan and my clothes were in the same suitcases. The boys had one to share and Bentley had one for her. 1 suitcase was full of dress clothes all the rest had everyday clothes and one had all the kids toys and favorite item. The backpack Ryan carried was holding our laptops and a few books and notebooks. I had the diaper bag and Aidan had the boy's things for the plane.

After getting all the bags we walked to the vans, loaded them up and made our way to the hotel. The guys loaded up the buses while I stayed in the van with the children. After loading the buses we headed to the venue for rehearsals. We did the songs that Keith was not in and would do those and the whole show when he got here. Last we heard he was at the airport. After two hours we loaded up the vans and headed back to the hotel. Emmet and George went to get Keith, Aidan went with them. George was going to pay for his dinner. Ryan ordered some take out and Neil with Colm took Marcus and Bentley with them. This left Ryan and I alone in the room. Neil and Colm walked to give Ryan and I some extra time but all we did was talk, shower and stole some kisses both of us were tired. Different time zone and jet lag.

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