Chapter 1~ Sophomore Year Ends

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I'm so sorry that I suddenly removed this story but like I said to one of my fans, I was giving this story a total Princess Makeover~

So enjoy~


The reality of not having to go to school for the next three months settled in Gabriel Sarita, a free and soon to be junior, Corona High. Despite it almost being their summer vacation, the pressure of applying for different colleges was already setting in. Junior students flocked the locker hallways with piles of papers and books in their arms while the freshman and sophomores took their things out of their lockers with ease.

Gabriel approached his locker, only to be bumped in the shoulder by one of the busy juniors. The junior has barely muttered an apology and he had left Gabriel on the floor. The sophomore frowned as he stood back up. A small female hand grabbed Gabriel's arm and helped the male stand.

"Are you okay, Gabriel?" asked the female, Serenity Floris, a childhood friend of Gabriel.

"Yeah, I'm fine," replied the male as he went ahead and opened his grey, dull locker.

"Just look at them, running around like they've lost their heads or something."

Gabriel took out his algebra and biology textbooks,"Don't make fun of them, that's going to be us next year," he responded. Serenity protested,"No way, I already know which colleges I'm applying to."

"That's good," said Gabriel, putting his textbooks in his rather torn up backpack.

"You should probably go buy yourself a new backpack, this thing is older than my shoes."

"It's fine, I'll buy one for my junior year. Now come on, I have to go return these textbooks back to the library."

The two friends headed down the hallway, and walked inside the chilly library. There was a long line of freshmen and sophomores who couldn't wait to throw their textbooks back at the librarian.

"How about we go to the mall today?" suggested Serenity. "It's the last day of school, we should go get some ice cream, too."

Before Gabriel could answer, a group of rowdy sophomores walked into the library. Gabriel turned away from the group when the familiar voices of his step-sisters, Scarlet and Riley. One of the girls turned to whisper into the other girl's ear. The two left the group and stood in front of Gabriel.

Scarlet, the oldest, smiled sweetly at her younger step-brother,"Gabriel, you wouldn't mind if me and my friends go first, right? It's just we're so busy and we have to be somewhere," said Scarlet.


"Oh, okay, sure," said Gabriel.

Scarlet signaled her group of friends to come over, while Serenity shot them all dirty glares. The group finally left and the library was once again quiet, except for the sound of the poor old librarian's cracking joints.

"Next," she called out, fixing her round fitted glasses sitting just on the bridge of her wrinkly nose.

"Hi, Mrs. Penny," said Gabriel, rather politely, despite everything that had just happened. The old librarian smiled and adjusted her glasses,"Always nice to see you, George."

"It's Gabriel," he said, chuckling a bit, placing the textbooks on the flat surface of her desk.

"Ah, that's right." Her hands grabbed the textbooks and she slowly scanned the old bar codes on the back of the textbooks. Behind the librarian, there were mountains and mountains of textbooks. "Mrs. Penny, wouldn't you like some help with those?" he asked, pointing behind her. The librarian shook her head,"I'm fine, I actually have someone in the back helping."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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