Peteky Christmas Oneshot Ayee

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It was the day before Christmas Eve, or as Pete liked to call it,
"Christmas Eve Eve"
Pete and his boyfriend of 3 years, Mikey, we're going to see friends on Christmas Eve, and family on Christmas Day. This night they had to themselves.
Pete had just finished making hot cocoa for himself and for Mikey. The latter came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder lazily.
Pete giggled and turned around, handing him the hot mug.
"Thanks, Pete," Mikey beamed, as Pete just rolled his eyes.
Mikey blew gently into his mug of hot cocoa and took a small sip, squeaking at the temperature.
He padded over to the window and peered outside.
"It's really snowing hard out there," Pete pointed out, coming up behind the latter.
Mikey nodded, before taking another sip of his drink.
"Hey, I-" he was interrupted by everything going black and then the loud sound of glass shattering.
"Mikey?! Are you okay?!" Pete called out, setting his mug down on the table that he unconsciously knew was right behind him.
"Pete?! Pete where did you go?" Mikey said, frantically trying to grab onto his boyfriend.
Pete wrapped his arms tightly around Mikey's waist.
"Okay it's alright, I'm here baby." Pete assured in a soothing tone.
"O-Okay..." Mikey said shakily.
"I-I dropped the cup...I'm s-sorry.." he squeaked, tears threatening to spill out.
Pete hushed him.
"Shh okay, it's fine. We'll clean it up. But don't move because I don't want you to step on it, baby." Pete said, and carefully removed his hands from Mikey's waist and dug them in his pocket, pulling out his phone and turning in the flashlight. He shined it down on the floor, and sure enough, there was broke glass and hot liquid on the floor.
Mikey looked down and muttered a "shit" to himself, before cautiously sidestepping so he didn't get glass in his foot. Pete followed, and they made their way out of the kitchen and into the living room, where Pete grabbed the box of matches that lay on the coffee table, and went around lighting candles.
He returned shortly and looked around at the candles, that provided just enough light for them to see.
His phone made a beeping noise and he realized it was his weather app.
"Heavy snow falling- PSENG reports major power outage throughout the tri-state area." Pete muttered, looking over the notification before hitting the power button on his phone.
He glanced over at the shivering Mikey, and proceeded to light the fire place.
He dusted his hands off.
"There. Should be warm in a little bit, bean"
Yes, Pete called him bean, and it was absolutely fucking adorable.
Mikey nodded, before beaming and walking over to the old record player that they owned.
"I got an idea, sunshine." Mikey said, and fiddled around for a minute, before putting the needle down on a record that Pete couldn't make out from where he was standing.
The music started playing and Pete smiled at the Christmas song.
Mikey walked over to Pete and took his hand, bowing, before asking,
"Can I have this dance?"
Pete blushed.
"You sure can." He said, and moved his hands to Mikey's shoulders as the latter put both hands on Pete's waist, pulling him closer.
"Well the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." Mikey sang along.
Pete smiled at the beautiful sight in front of him, as he snaked his arms around his neck and lay his head on Mikey's shoulder, as they continued to sway back and forth.
He smiled into Mikey's shoulder as the latter continued to sing.
"It doesn't show signs of stopping, and I've bought some corn for popping. The lights are turned way down low, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow," he continued.
Mikey briefly let go of his waist to push him outwards a little, so he could grab Pete's hand and spin him around.
Pete twirled with grace and the latter giggled as he pulled him back close to his chest.
They sidestepped as the music continued, and Pete lay his head against the taller boy's chest this time, listening to the constant beat of his heart and the smooth sound of his breathing.
Mikey lifted Pete's chin up so he staring into his beautiful whiskey-colored eyes, and sang,
"When we finally kiss goodnight,"- Mikey then quickly pecked the latter's lips.
"How I'll hate going out in the storm," Pete continued.
"But if you really hold me tight," the other one sang.
"All the way home I'll be warm," they both sang together.
Mikey spun Pete once more, before resting his hands back on his waist and pulling him in close again, this time Mikey rest his head on Pete's shoulder.
"The fire is slowly dying, but my dear we're still goodbying. As long as you love me so, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." Mikey sang, sending shivers down Pete's spine, and it wasn't because of the cold.
They slow-danced to the rest of the song, and when it finally did end, Mikey let out a sigh of contentment.
"I love you so much, you know that?" he breathed out finally.
Pete took a moment to reply.
"I love you too, darling."
Mikey leaned up and placed a kiss onto the shorter boy's forehead, before detaching his arms from him and waking over to the record player, where he took the needle off of the vinyl, but left it in.
Pete gazed over at the Christmas tree that was just barely visible in the candlelight, and recalled when he and Mikey put it up together - which was only like a few weeks or so ago- and smiled to himself.

"Where should this one go?" Pete asked, turning to look at Mikey.
"Uhh...hmm over there looks like a good spot," the latter suggested, pointing to a rather empty looking spot on the Christmas tree.
Pete nodded and gently placed the ornament on one of the green branches.
Once they were done decorating, they had to place the star on the top- putting the star on last was just something they did.
Mikey, being the taller one, got out the ladder and climbed up just high enough for him to reach the top of the tree, as Pete steadied it for him so he didn't fall.
"A little more to the right!" Pete called up to him, and the other one hovered his hand more over.
"Um...yeah, right there, I think!" Pete said, looking up.
Mikey nodded, and carefully placed the star on the top branch, sighing in relief when it was on safely.
He climbed down off the ladder and sighed in satisfaction, staring up at the tree they had just decorated.
"Looks great!" Pete chided, putting away the ladder.
Mikey brushed himself off,
"I think it looks perfect. Just like you." he said, smirking a little.
In all honesty, it was almost sickening how cute these two were.
Pete blushed, grabbing something from one of the decoration boxes that Mikey assumed was empty.
"Close your eyes, silly!" Pete exclaimed, and the latter placed his hands over his eyes.
Pete held the mistletoe over their heads with one hand and removed Mikey's hands from his eyes with the other.
Looking up, he blushed as he spotted the mistletoe, before looking back at Pete and kissing him softly.

Pete was snapped back to reality as Mikey said his name again.
"Huh? Oh sorry.." Pete said, his voice trailing off.
"It's cold.." Mikey pointed out.
"Yeah it is...wanna cuddle..?" Pete suggested meekly.
Mikey walked over to the couch and grabbed one of the blankets off of the top, before sitting down and gesturing him to come over.
"Might as well..the power might be out for a while," he said while opening up the blanket as the latter sat down next to him.
Wrapping the blanket around them, Mikey scooted closer to Pete and pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around his torso, and setting his head down on Pete's chest.
Pete kissed the top of Mikey's head and allowed sleep to overcome the both of them.
Mikey's eyes fluttered open before being shut tightly again.
It was bright in this room.
"Ugh who tur- wait the lights are back on!" Mikey exclaimed, which caused Pete to open his eyes slightly.
"Huh?- oh the powers back on," Pete realized.
Mikey ran over and turned all of them back off, leaving only the candles again.
"Why'd you do that?" Pete asked sleepily.
"Because," he started, going back to cuddle Pete,
"When I'm with you, I literally need nothing else. Not even light." he finished, cringing at how cheesy that sounded.
The latter giggled.
"Awh, that was sweet. Cheesy. But sweet," he said.
Mikey nuzzled back up to Pete and both of them fell into a peaceful sleep once again.

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