Vampires, witches, and ghosts!... Oh, my! (Vampire Diaries/Danny Phantom)

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A/N: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING!!! I'M POOR SO PLEASE DON'T SUE (i donno why you would but...yeah)!!! So idk where this idea came from.... it just did... anyways i'm not really following and plot of either of the shows or Vampire Diaries books everything belongs to their respective owners..... Honestly, i'm probably making a bunch of stuff up, but please bare with me and just go with it ^.^ the title is from The Wizard of Oz  (WOZ, which i don't own either) you know the part where Dorathy[sp?] is like "Lions, tigers, and bears.. Oh my!" yeah its an awesome movie. Any songs or pictures don't belong to me sadly. Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline are played by there television characters and Danny Fenton is played by Logan Lerman (just picture him with white hair and green eyes when he's in Phantom mode.) Tucker is Played by Brandon T jackson and I'll post the link of the girl who plays Sam later because i can't find the actual name of the person but she's really pretty....  Also i know Danny and Sam and Tucker are like 14 or 15 but in this story they are 17 and so are Bonny, Elena, and Caroline. Caroline and Elena are vampires while Bonnie is a witch. Bonnie, instead of being completely connected to nature, well, she's not overly powerful or a god but she can do more stuff than she does in the show and because when she casts spells in the show i don't understand what she's saying i'll probably just take a random language that looks cool off google translate and type in random letters... yeah. Other things will be added into the story although there might be authors notes (A/N) randomly throughout the story if i forgot anything.... OH! 3. more things 1. My version of all the characters will be very OOC (out of character) most/all the time, and 2. IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY STORY..... DO NOT READ IT!!!!!! 3. No Salvatore[sp?] brother pairings (sorry) or really any parings with and Vampire Diaries guys... nuff said, enjoy!

Elena's POV (Point Of View):

Caroline and I are waiting for Bonnie to light the last few candles before she does this spell that she said had something to do with ghosts, zones, and something about there not being any supernatural creatures other than ghosts? I don't really know, she was talking so fast but seemed so exited and asked Caroline and I to be there. She's our best friend, of course we agreed, even if she wasn't our best friend i would have gone anyways to see whats gotten her so exited. 

I'll let you in on a few things before we continue, Bonnie's a witch, from a long line of Bennett witch, so she's very powerful. Caroline and I are vampires (like the ones in the show), at first i hated it and wanted to be human and live my life, but i learned to accept what i am... besides its not like there's anything i can do about it now. And after everything thats happened with Stephen, Damon, being the doppleganger[sp?], Klaus, the origionals,etc.. I feel safer knowing I can protect myself. 

"ok just stay where you are and we'll see if this works." Bonnie told us, currently we were beside the door so we could run if the spell backfired. Although its not like its gonna kill us... 

Bonnie started reciting the spell in a language i will probably never understand, and for the first 30 seconds nothing happened. Then all of a sudden the room started trembling, Caroline clung to my arm, and Bonnie's nose started to bleed, like a lot.

"Bonnie!" I called to her,

"Bonnie!" Caroline called this time. All of a sudden everything stopped moving and all the candles went out. 

"E-Elena?" Caroline stuttered in a way that indicated she was hoping i knew what happened,

"I don't know." I replied, "Bonnie!" I called out again. She didn't answer, I was worried. There was a great flash of light forcing us to look away and when we looked back there was a large green swirly portal like thingy In the middle of the room and Bonnie was looking at it in awe.

"B-Bonnie, what is that?" I questioned, she looked over at me and Caroline,

"I'm not sure, but I'm gonna check it out." She said stepping closer, her hand was almost touching it.

"Bonnie I don't thin-" Caroline got cut off when Bonnie suddenly tripped and started to fall. Caroline and I rushed forward with vampire speed to catch her but ended up falling in too. All three of us screamed and held tightly onto eachother as we felt like we were being dragged at a speed only an origional could run at. All I could see around us was green swirly patterns and blurs of what i assumed to be floating islands although we were moving to fast to tell. 

After about a minute of this there was another bright flash before we all made an 'umph' sound from landing on solid concreet. 

"Where are we?" Caroline groaned.

"Hell if I know" I answered before the both of us turned to Bonnie for answers only to find her unconsious. Caroline sped to her side while i looked around. 

"Umm, Caroline? I don't think were in Cansas[sp?] anymore (A/N: Another WOZ reference!! ^.^)..." I trailed off motioning to the large sign infront of us. Caroline gasped. The sign read,

Welcome to Amity Park.

A/N: Well what do you think? Please be nice. ^.^ I hope you like it, well if you don't, I do. Just stop reading if you don't though... Anyways





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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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Vampires, witches, and ghosts!... Oh, my! (Vampire Diaries/Danny Phantom)Where stories live. Discover now