Dank memes three times as emo...

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Was today the day... The day I cut off my arm. I was in the kitchen with my family of non emos. (But not my ma cuz she ded tho). As I was at the table I grabbed a knife and then papa said "what chu doin emo-la?". I then proceeded to say "I am becoming one with the lord and savior satan Christ". Dad responded with "who you thank you is BRUH". I said "I is one armed". I said that as I cut off my arm with a butter knife. My five year old little bro (slimy), just yelled "dats emoss". Dad said, "well... I guess I'll go kill myself now". Slimy said, "but papa who's gonna get mums corpse off the newly steam cleaned steps?". I responded with, "SATAN WILL REMOVE MAMAS CORPES FROM THE CARPET YOUNG CHICKEN SACRIFICE". Dad hangs himself on the kitchen ceiling somehow. Slimy started punching papas legs an screaming, "dis shoulda been me-me".

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