Your Just the same

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I stuffed as many clothes in my small suitcase as possible. My blonde hair fell over my face as I tried to shut the suitcase. I punched the suitcase. "CYNTHIA" I yelled to my twin sister. "What!" She groaned. "can you like sit on the suitcase so I can shut my suitcase" I said. She trudged in hands on her hips. "Where is it?" I pointed to the suitcase. Her dark brown hair was straightened and it fell around her shoulders. We were twins but we looked nothing alike. Our dislikes and like are pretty much the same. As she sat on my small suitcase I attempted to shut it .Using all my Strength I shut it, I fist pumped. "thanks" I said with a smile. "you know I could of just shut it" She said smirking. "yeah I know but I can do it my self!" I said a little bit angry. I have a temper a very short one. "Hey calm down" She said. "just get out" I ordered rubbing my temples. I looked at my phone 9:58 am. We were leaving to New Zealand our old country! Hopefully we would be able to track down our real parents. Our flight was at 11:30am. I sighed running my hand through my long blonde hair. I just wanted to get out of this place.

Cynthia's pov

Wow. I thought she was goanna go all rage at me, she usually does. She needs to get some self control it would probably help her.

My suitcase was already packed, because I know how to limit myself on what I pack, and not over pack like her. Even though she's the oldest by a few minutes she sometimes sure doesn't act like it.

I walked back to my room, to finish watching The Host on my laptop. I'm watching it for like the 100th time but it's like my favourite movie. It was honestly a great movie, can't wait for the second.

Since the movie had now finished I exited, took the disk out and shut the laptop down, then placed in the back pocket made especially for it. I grabbed the rest of my belongings and decided to head downstairs to eat.

I dropped my bags at the bottom of the stairs, then walked straight to the pantry and grabbed my secret jar of Nutella and started to place spoonful's of the hazelnut goodness into my mouth. Nutella was simply heaven. Briana thinks we ran out weeks ago but I had a stash of my own, just mine. I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs, oh no here comes Judy Moody.

I quickly stashed the jar behind my back, and chucked the spoon at the sink hoping it would go directly into it but no. it missed, hit the tap and went flying into the opposite direction, just my luck Briana had just rounded her way around the corner, so the spoon collided with her pale forehead.

She fell to the ground dramatically, while pretending to cry. What a drama queen.

"What the hell?! I could arrest you for assault you know!" Briana screamed, "Oh yup, tell the police you got hit in the head with a spoon, I'm definitely goanna get arrested, I better run." I said sarcastically.

She touched her head, wincing when she touched the spot, there was a brown spot on her forehead, she wiped it with her thumb and looked at it cautiously, "um Cynthia, I'm scared to ask what this is" she burst out laughing.

"oh you know the baked beans gone bad, the usual" I said casually, she screamed and ran in the direction of the bathroom, I swear there was a brown spot on the back of her shorts. Ew. That Filthy Animal.

As you can probably tell, I'm the twin with the spectacular sense of humour. *Flips hair*

Briana's P.O.V

I ran to the bathroom petrified of what Cynthia had just told me. I quickly put my hands under the automatic soap dispenser. I was a little bit of a clean freak so I usually went out and bought stuff like this. I scrubbed my hands as hard as I could. Turning the hot tap on full blast I put my hands under it making sure my hands were super clean. I looked in the mirror. I winced as I touched my forehead where the spoon had assaulted me. I wined as I felt the big lump in the centre of my head. Who the hell throws spoons these days?! I hated her snide remarks she made about me and I knew why. It was to piss me off which a lot of the time worked. She was always the one to tease me and push me around. After all she was a lot stronger to me which gave her a massive advantage. Cynthia was also a lot more immature then me. I walked out of the bathroom feeling a bit better. It was now 10:30am I sighed I really couldn't wait to leave!

As I walked out Cynthia looked at me holding in her laugh. "Hey Egg head" She said to then be followed by a fit of laughter. "SHUT IT I DON'T FUCKING CARE" I yelled. I sighed great I had lost my temper again! "Well I think you do care by the sound of that" she mumbled just enough for me to hear. "Get your ass in the car were leaving" I snapped. Sassy much" she said smirking. I tensed biting my lip before I said something I would regret. I Dragged my suitcase to the car and just managed to lift it into the boot of the car. I sat in the car waiting for Cynthia to get in the car. I beeped the horn I was now getting pissed off. "Alright, alright I'm here, calm down hash brown" she said getting in the car, "my hands gripped on the steering wheel making my knuckles go pure white. "Would you quit saying that" I said trying to sound calm. "Well maybe if you would quit getting so agro all the time I would" Cynthia said. instead of taking a rage I breathed deeply and started the car. "Good there's a start" she said chuckling. "Haha very funny" I snapped, turning the radio on very loud so I couldn't hear Cynthia next smart comment. Summer Love came on by One Direction Cynthia started singing very loudly, I just rolled my eyes.

We had just arrived at the airport 11:00am. I looked over at Cynthia her head was to the side sleeping. I sighed. "Cynthia? were at Nandos" I said. Her eyes fluttered opened Showing her brown eyes that had tints of green around her iris. "What Nandos what?" She groaned still half asleep. "We're at the airport lets go" I said, while opening the boot and grabbing my bag, but nearly falling to the ground as I tried to lift it. We walked to the airport entrance giving our bags to the lady at the counter. She handed us our boarding pass ."OH MY GOD!" she squealed, "what could possibly excite you today huh?" I said rubbing my ears that were now ringing. "ONE DIRECTION" She managed to spit out. I looked to where she was looking. There stood 5 boys trying to make their way through massive amounts of crowds. My eyes caught on a curly browned hair boy who I believed to be it was Harry styles, His emerald green eyes locked with mine for a few moments and then I looked away finding it very awkward. Cynthia suddenly and ran off, but I stopped her grabbing her wrist, "let me go!" She hissed. "No you will get lost like the time you got lost in the big supermarket!" I said smirking that was pretty funny. she stopped fighting me. "Yeah I guess you're right" she mumbled disappointed.

It had been half an hour and the screams had only gotten louder. There were hundreds of girls and paparazzi surrounding the 5 famous boys. I rubbed my temples as my head was throbbing from all the noise. "All passengers going on flight 8451 heading to New Zealand please make your way to gate one" The lady spoke over the microphone, I could barley hear her. I tapped Cynthia on the shoulder. I stood up to fix my top and my white hoodie. We managed to somehow get past the mob of girls and the paparazzi. I had to drag Cynthia along most of the way because she kept stopping and staring at One Direction.

We gave the man our boarding passes and took our seats it took me awhile to adjust to very uncomfortable seats. When everyone was seated, the lady started to talk about safety procedures. I groaned and shut my eyes entering in a world of darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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