Behind those eyes

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Me, Betsy and Sam were deciding what to eat at our college cafe when Angie joined us. Our cafe is huge filled with all sorts of faces and personalities. In other words, an ideal place for us to hangout. Bara is one of my close friends,a little overweight but she never really cares about it.

Melissa the gossip girl of our college ran toward us, panting and exclaimed, "Hey guys, heard the breaking news?!". "Oh what? Do enlighten us" I joked. "So, listen up.." Mell began secretively. Everyone put their heads together and she continued, "I just heard that Jay has dumped Clarissa, they had a row over something." I got a 220V electric shock over this. My best-friend Rissie and my extremely secret crush broke up. 'How on earth is this even possible?' I think. I cannot believe my ears. I feel guilty for being happy about it." "That's pathetic!" exclaims Sam. "I can't believe that the hot football captain has just dumped our best-friend - how very silly of him!" says betts.

I am too engrossed in my own thoughts to pay attention to what everyone is saying. I'm thinking about the probability and the 0.001% chances of me and Jay being the top item. I'm too quiet so Sam says "Claire, you okay? Everything fine? You're not depressed, are you?". And that's it - I snap out of my fantasy and say "Infact, I think Rissie deserves way better than that." "Hurry up guys, stop talking. Rissie is coming right towards us" says Angie right before Rissie shows up. "Hey everyone what's today's menu?" she says, holding up the cafe's menu card. We know she's upset as whenever she gets upset or depressed she finds her salvation in food. "We're going to have cheese friens and coke" asks Angie. "Except for me, I'm on a special diet, and I'll just have salad so feel free to join me" jokes Betsy. Despite the fact that she's overweight, she never tries watching what she eats. "I'll have cheese fires, burger and pizza with coke for now, and later a double sundae and a muffin" Rissie says as she puts down the menu. "All that food isn't going to make you feel better, do tell us what you're thinking.." I say softly.Rissie looks like she's about to cry. "Jay broke up with me" she whispers. "Aww, stop feeling bad. Afterall, it's his loss" comforts Betsy. So we all start comforting Rissie, and then our order comes. Rissie, true to her word, eats all that she has ordered.

The first bell of our last term in College rings, and we head off to our classes. I'm sad and excited at the same time. I hate to think that we'll be leaving this dear life at college so soon, and going off to different universities after this term. The college has an ancient grand look. It was quiet old which made it all the more intriguing. Me, Mell and Rissie walked towards the familiar tower where we had our history class. When Mell gasped suddenly and whispered,"It cant be..." as if she was thinking aloud. She runs ahead towards someone and shouts,"you guys all go ahead.. i'll catch up with you in class" We nodded surprised at her sudden reaction. It was getting late so Rissie suggested that we hurry. Entering the class it felt amazing to see all the familiar faces.. Except at the back row sat a guy I could swear I had never seen before.He looked tall and was wearing black shirt with russled hair. It was evident that he was trying to blend in but failed miserably. I looked at Rissie, we shared a brief secret  glance and took our seats. As the history lesson progressed, Rissie passed me a note" Mell bunked right? and she said she'd come". "I know she will" I write.

Mell suddenly bursts in the classroom and gives Professsor Rick (our history teacher) the written explanation for being late and hurries to join us. "Wanna talk...ditch the next lesson okay?"she passed us a note and then came the twenty longest minutes of my life every second passed more slowly as I stare at the clock, almost commanding it to go faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2013 ⏰

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