Kill me

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Sometimes I'm really ashamed to be apart of the fangirl community, because sometimes we just take it that little step farther-and by little step farther I mean a fucking mile farther.

Sometimes we all need to calm our shit, we hate people and that's okay. Looking at you Donald trump. (I don't even live in America and I feel sorry me.)

But ya wanna know what really reels my buttons in?

Stories that are too fast paced. Like, I was reading one where everything was normal and chill, and then in a ducking span of a chapter there's a fucking vampire, a werewolf and someone who's escaped kidnapping and coming after the protagonist?? Like what the actual fuck. A chapter ago we didn't even know they were supernatural beings? WHATS GOING ON HERE?!!

And I know it's really hard to find some filler chapters to help character development, because even I, YES ME, the all great and powerful Senpai. Have trouble with idiot-syndrome. Like, it's actually really hard to make your story long but immersive and detailed at the same time. BECAUSE YOU JUST WANNA GET TO THE EXCITING SHIT ALREADY. 

But you know, whatever. Fuck it, do what you want.

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