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Harry's POV

Once McGonagall had taken 50 points from all of our houses. Per a person. And doomed us all to detention, Draco had practically tattooed a scowl upon his lips.


"Nonsense. You're the one who snitched." Ron huffed at the blonde walking with us.

"Exactly. It only seems fair." Hermione added to Ron's input.

Draco shot me a glare when I didn't say anything. "Nothing from you, Potter?"

I sighed and shot him a smile. "That any better for you?"

He reddened and I continued on my way.

Filch glanced back at us and glared. I narrowed my eyes and he refocused on the cottage ahead of us.

"Here you are Hagrid. These little pests are going with you, into the Forbidden forest... You know... Since they like wondering around at night sooooo much."

Hagrid glanced down at us. "Ah. I see." he sniffed.


"Yeah? And so is wonderin the castle at night." Filch grunted.

I furrowed my brows. "What happened to Norbert?" 

"Dumbledore had me send the little feller off to Romania."

"Won't he be better off there with his family?" Hermione offered.

"Well. They might bully him! You know!? He's just a little baby." he sniffed again. "And what if he doesn't like it there!?!"

"OH MAN UP! IT'S JUST A MEASLY DRAGON. MOVE ON ALREADY." Filch snapped, shoving us towards him.

"Alright. Let's go." Hagrid nodded, dabbing his eyes.

We all followed him into the woods and Draco grumbled. "My father will hear about this..."

We walked further in, until we saw a pool of a silvery substance.

Hagrid got down on one knee and dipped his fingers in the substance. "Hmmm."

"What is that, Hagrid?"

"Unicorn blood..."


"It's a cursed liquid... It can save you when you're on the brink of death... But it cuts that life in half." he murmured.

A wolf howled in the distance and I felt Draco tense up.

"So what are we doing?"

"We're going out to hunt down the poor creature so that we can put it out of its misery."

"How are we gonna find it!? It's a big forest! It would take us forever-"

Hagrid cut off Draco and sighed. "We're splitting up. Hermione and Ron will be with me. Draco and Harry, you two will be together."

"We get Fang." Draco added.

"Sure. He's a cowardly dog."

Fang whimpered at that and Draco paled.

"We're off." Hagrid nodded as he jogged away with Mione and Ron following close behind.

"Right." I sighed. "We best be off as well."

Draco nodded before freezing up when a howl cut through the silence. "Come on Fang." he muttered anxiously.

The grey dog looked up at us before refocusing on the scent of the wounded unicorn.

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