Just Another Planet

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1. Just another planet🌕🌕

He had curly hair. The kind of hair that sort of begged you to be touched. It looked real soft and fluffy. You know the kind. Hair the color of melted chocolate on a hot afternoon. He had eyes like something you wouldn't believe. Almost like someone had been lazy when creating his face, and when it was time to make his eyes they said "eh, let's just give him stars instead," and searched through the galaxies for the shiniest jewels they could find before placing them on him.  Those were the kind of eyes he had. When you left astronomy class and your homework had been to watch the stars late at night, you secretly walked up to him and gazed at the Little Dipper just above his nose on the right side of his face, and the Big Dipper on the left. It was dopey but his eyes were like glimmering diamonds. Different from all the dull meteor colored eyes everyone else was forced to bear. It was strange but he was kind of like a planet. He constantly drew you in. You wanted to explore every part of him. I mean you'd learned on the PBS space special that if regular people went to different planets they'd just about suffocate to death because there wasn't any oxygen on those other planets to sustain them. Maybe you just weren't fit to be with the planet that was he. Why else would you feel like you couldn't breathe when he smiled at you? Oh, his smile. It was the one thing  that saved him from being too perfect; too otherworldly. He had a crooked smile that showed whenever he was on the brink of laughing till his chest hurt. The kind of smile that said a million words in two seconds. You swear his smile had caused the Big Bang, because it was almost impossible to believe that there had been anything before that smile.
  He had big calloused hands, almost doused in blue ink. Being a leftie had meant smearing ink on his hand whenever he furiously wrote down a thought that came to him. He had a posture like a king, real regal like, and never slouched his shoulders. It was sort of tragic though, because although you wanted nothing more than to take this planet-like boy with curly chocolate colored hair, diamond cut eyes, a crooked smile, dirty hands, and perfect posture in your arms and hold him until the sun crashed into the ocean, and Saturn fell from the sky, he wasn't in your orbit, and you weren't in his.

So I wrote this in like the 7th grade yikes also the assignment was to write in a style similar to Holden Caulfield (my bby) and he just rants a lot and goes on and I was trying to imitate that aspect but my teacher still thought this piece was shit :))

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