Chapter 1

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  :D 'Thunder' by Boyslikegirls!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Enjoy (:



       A gust of air rushed past me making the auburn hair glued to my forehead part, cooling down the blush in my cheeks for a few moments. I smiled, as my feet carried me threw the music, hitting the concrete floor hard but I dint mind. As the beat of the music abruptly stopped I stopped with sticking my right foot forward I brought my hands down on it. Standing right back up in perfect form, then as once again the beat of the music started, I brought my hands up to midair doing a fast paced spin.

Forgetting to focus on one spot as I spun, I was breathless and dizzy, when cool leather arms wrapped around my waist stopping me in mid spin. I gave a startled gasp only to be followed by another one as cold soft lips made contact with my left burning cheek. “Wow there girly, don’t want to overdo it now do we?”  He whispered huskily in my ear.

To distracted by the cold air radiating of him I dint bother to respond as I moved my body to face him, but felt left out from the cold he was producing me as they laid limply by my sides. Without thinking my hands were suddenly hovering between the opening in his black leather jacket. Hesitating I resided my head to meet his smirking face, in one swift movement he closed the space between us pressing my hands tight against his gray t-shirt. Startled but not surprised by his action I rolled my eyes but stopped when I noticed his face was only inches away from mine.

“Whoa! Was that hot or what folks!!?” J.P’s familiar voice bombarded all around the club, the crowed parted as he waltzed in, at the site of J.P the hands on my waist tighten making the muscles under my hands contradict, as the crowd went wild in response. “That’s the one and only Adrianna folks!!”

In front of me Andrew coughed loudly, giving J.P a pointed look, “And Andrew”, in a bored voice J.P responded.

Grinning I grabbed at Andrews hand pulling it slightly towards me as I undid myself from his grasp. The crowd cheered ounce again as body’s around me pushed and shoved to get closer to the dance floor as another song came on and J.P voice faded. Frustrated I couldn’t make it out of the sea of dancing people I ran a hand threw my hair, when I faintly heard a chuckle behind me, before I was being dragged by Andrew as he shoved bodies aside till he broke us out of the crowd.

Relieved, I survead the surroundings in front of me. Just a few feet in front of me laid the bar were orders were rapidly thrown at the girl behind the bar. Sacking my head I felt Andrew tug at my hand, looking up he smiled and nodded his head towards the exit door in a corner beside the lounge area. Grinning up at him I let him lead the way.

A shiver ran down my back as the cold air hit my exposed skin. Soft leather wrapped around my shoulders, when the red exit door closed loudly. Resting my head against Andrews’s chest I looked up at the sky, if there really was any after all this was New York.

“I love you Andrew” whispering I buried in his warm leather jacket “You’re my only family left”

I felt him stiffen before he responded an ‘I love you’ back.

“Remember you have your first job at the Condell residence, tomorrow” I heard a whisper in my ear before I fell asleep in Andrews warm familiar arms, of the person I would be grateful for the rest of my life.


    I hummed to the beat of the music, stopping myself from dancing, knowing it quit dint work under a car.  Instead moving my head slightly back and forth as my small hands maneuvered threw the metal tubes touching oil everywhere, making it easier to reach the screw, tightening it. I gave a small smirk in satisfaction as the oil stopped dropping on my cheek. That spoiled beast always mistreated this beauty, what I would give to have a ride like this.

I was still celebrating my little victory under the car, when a hard object colliding with the hood of the car got my head to snap forward knocking with a metal tube making the music in my ears to disappear, earplugs sliding along my collar bone and landing inside my orange jump suit.

Giving a frustrated sigh I snapped my feet forward making the wheels on the board slide forward, stopping just as the warm rays of the sun hit my eyes, putting a hand over my eyes as the sun got unbearable. I stood up uncovering my eyes and kicked the board backwards till hit the end of the car giving a satisfying thud. I look down and grabbed the ugly green handkerchief that was on my belt hanging loosely on my hip. Whipping my left cheek from the oil, doing the same with my hands, till I felt eyes on me.

Looking up, there stood Gabriel, my bosses’ son in all his glory. Perfect blond hair styled messily, crystal blue eyes like his fathers.  My first thoughts were wow Amy and Sophie weren't lying he was too good for himself, especially with that black suit. Dismissing my thoughts, I looked down were his hand laid on the car phone under it. Also a faint scratch on the flawless red paint.

Trying to suppress the glare that was killing to come out, in a strained voiced "Sir, Please don't do that, It ruins the paint"

Glaring he lifted his fancy cell and slammed it once more on his red Ferrari hard. Ignoring my wince as he left another mark in a controlled voice he asked “Where’s the mechanic?"

Lifting my gaze from the scratch marks on the car to meet his cold calculating gray eyes, suppressing a gasp I straighten and looked him dead in the eye “Your looking at her Sr."

Glare hardening, voice as cold as his gaze "Where’s Andrew?" He demanded

Someones mad, A smile tug at my lips, wonder who made him this upset? At the site of my ghost of a smile he growled making me clear my throat out of awkwardness and tighten my red hair in its ponytail.

“He quit Sr." I responded, as he glared at me, I resisted the urge to flinch back.

I could feel the tension building in the atmosphere as we had our little stare of, but he soon broke it eyeing the red Ferrari I was fixing from his last trip. ”How long till it’s done?" He asked calmly

Shocked at his sudden mood swing, but never the less I answered brightly “One more day Sr."

Slamming his hand over the hood again he cursed. Ok what’s wrong with this guy?

Wincing again I mutter "Bastered" under my breath. He has no idea how many hours that's going to cost me of rehearsal all because of his little tantrums does he?

Snapping his head towards me he once again glared, then straightening from his crouching position. Without a word he walked away across his father’s garage filled with his car collection. Stopping at a gray Lamborghini, hand on door he lingering for a moment before opening his mouth hesitating for a second then bellowed across the garage.

"Remember servant, you keep your job because  of me" He spat the word servant with disgusts, before getting in his fancy car he turned and smirked with satisfaction at my shocked face with mouth hanging open.

He started the gray Lamborghini and drove out of the garage and drived threw the driveway and stopped near me, as his car gave a powerful purr sending gray smoke all around it, like in the racing movies and sped off with me still standing there in shock mouth hanging open.

Doesn't he know how much that's going to pollute the air!!?


Hoped you enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2012 ⏰

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