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  *Takes place in side stories

Garroth stared into the mirror at his reflection, pulling his blue coat over his shoulders. He sighed and spun on his heels to get his present for Aphmau.
   I hope she likes it.. He though to himself. He knew Laurance didn't buy anything for her, so he got her something. He shoved her present into his coat so Dante or Laurance wouldn't see.
  "Garroth! Are you ready to go?" Dante's voice echoed up the stairs. Garroth ran down them quickly. He almost forgot that they were leaving.
  "Yeah, sorry. I had to grab something." He was partly telling the truth.
  "Okay. Let's get going; Laurance is outside." Dante opened the door as Garroth nodded. The cool wind blew at his face, and he closed and locked the door behind him. He turned and ran to catch up with the other boys.
  "It sure is cold," Garroth mumbled to himself.
  "You can say that again," Dante chuckled. They walked across the street and ran up to Aphmau's stairs, getting annoyed of the cold weather blowing at them.
  Ding dong!
The door swung open as Aphmau stood there smiling. She stepped to the side and let them in, still smiling. Garroth got a fuzzy feeling and felt so good when he saw that beautiful smile.
  "Hey, Aphmau!" Laurance said, beginning to take off his coat.  He smiled and took off his, followed by Dante.
  "Hi guys!" She exclaimed. "Everyone's in the living room. I'm just going to finish the cookies."  He hung up his coat and watched her scramble away to her kitchen.
  He grabbed the small blue box from his coat when the boys weren't looking, and shoved it into his front pocket. He sighed, thinking of when was the perfect place to give it to her.
  He decided to follow her to the kitchen, separating from the other boys. Maybe she needed help with baking or setting things out.
  He softly hummed to himself, peeking into the kitchen. It was empty, so he walked into the dining room. No one in there either. He didn't even realize here he was standing when he saw everyone in the living room.
  He spun around and turned to walk, but he collided with someone. It was Aphmau. She began to fall, but he grabbed her waist and pulled her back up. She stumbled and fell into his arms until they were inches apart.
  The other thing is that they were under the mistletoe.
  Garroth stated into Aphmau's eyes and she stared into his. He could feel his face getting red and the room became silent.
   A voice coughed, breaking the silence.  Aaron chuckled. "Well, aren't you going to kiss her?"
  Without hesitation, Garroth leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. She was shocked for a second but then kissed back, wrapping her arms around Garroth's neck.
  Clapping began around the room, and Garroth felt flustered. He pulled back and grabbed the small box out of his pocket. It was a beautiful purple gem necklace.
  "I was meaning to give you this earlier, but I guess now is the perfect time." He smiled, showing her the necklace. She gasped, and then smiled, pressing her lips to his again.
  Best. Christmas. Ever.

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