Ashey purdy how did you know?

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Hello my name is Emily Price I live in west virgina I am 4ft 8 short I know. I am 77 lbs. I am fat so fat I know I am all my friends say I’m skinny but I know they’re lying I’m a fat pig. I skip meals quite a lot I can’t remember the last time I had a full meal without puking it back up. 

It’s my way of dealing every time someone say something bad about me I’d lose a pound and that is how I got where I am now I’m also a professional ballerina I don’t want to do it anymore but my mom insists something about learning how to be a proper woman.

I love my mom I do but she pressures me to be a good ballerina but she also pressures me to eat more. When everyone knows the only way to become a good ballerina is to be skinny. Mom doesn’t understand she say’s I’m skinny when I’m obviously not.

Right now I’m sitting in my room trying to work out a way of getting out of eating so far it isn’t going well. I have no excuses I haven’t used already so I’m screwed.

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