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He had finally found him.

After patiently waiting for 114 years, he had finally found him.

The redhead silently watched the 4 year old blunette from afar. The strong winter wind had slapped him as he stood there under the huge tree, yet he was unaffected by it. His gaze solely focused on the small adorable ball of flushed bluenette who was eagerly stumbling towards his parents at the entrance gates as they picked him up after a day of school.

He was merely passing by. His car was driving around the area to his next destination when he had sensed him. His long awaited soul mate. Ordering his chauffeur to drive in the direction of where he had felt his presence, he then stepped out of the car. It was fortunate for him since it did not took long for Akashi to find whoever who was his soul mate. A toddler had soon run out with joy and into the arms of his awaiting parents. A glance was all it took for Akashi to be captivated by him. His contented, calm smile as he was patted on the head by his father and slight blushing cheeks when his mother gave him a peck on the cheek.

Finally, the redhead thought in relief, his eyes softened. Akashi had been waiting for this day to come. Despite the much frustration he had felt once in a while for not being able to find his mate, at the sight of the bluenette, all those had washed away. He just had to wait a little while more till his mate turns 16 of age before he could call him his. Till then, he mused, I'll just have to plan my steps till then...

"Akashi-sama," his driver called out behind him to remind him of his next appointment. Giving a nod to his driver, Akashi turned back to give the blunette another glance. As if sensing his gaze, the cubby boy shifted his attention to Akashi while walking out the front gates of his school with his parents. Smirking with triumph, Akashi turned and strode to his car. He could not wait for then to arrive. For me to call him mine.




For years, Kuroko knew there was someone who had been watching over him. From his vague memories during his early years, he remembered somewhat seeing someone with a mop of striking red hair. As he grew older, that memory had soon been long forgotten. After his parents had passed away in a tragic car accident, he was left in the care of his grandmother. He knew as he grew mature, that this mystery person was one who had eased his grandmother and him financially such that they could live affordably and comfortably. Every month they would receive a sum of money from this guardian of his, along with a short note: "We will meet soon, my Tetsuya." Once, he had questioned his grandmother who this guardian was. But all he received in reply from his grandmother was "You'll know when you grow older Tetsu-kun. When the time comes, all you need to do is to keep an open mind and accept it with open arm."




But this situation is different from what I had expected grandmother...

Right in front of him, sitting with on the couch, is a refined redheaded man, staring straight at him as though he could see into his soul. He had looked just about the same age as himself. Everything in him had screamed of authority and power, yet, Kuroko observed, his gaze was gentle and... passionate.

"We've finally met, Tetsuya." The man spoke.

This morning when his grandmother had went out for a walk, a finely dressed butler had knocked at his door and requested of him to follow him as someone had wished to see him. Even though nothing was explained, he knew that the mysterious man was the one who he was going to meet. Leaving his grandmother a note, he followed the butler into a limousine and arrived at a grand mansion. He had expected a rather older man who would be around the age of his father, but instead, facing him was one who was almost as old as him.

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