Chapter 1

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Hi guys, so this short story is written for those reading Assassin Boy as I haven't been updating it in a while because of... well life. And apology for Suzy's fans (Sweeties) for not writing about her too. First time doing a character x reader so expect some um... cringing/ bad whatever moments. But here's a Christmas present for you guys! Hope you enjoy!!


You and Sehun have been best friends since preschool and you've secretly have a crush on him ever since then but never told him until today. 25th of December, you've finished your high school and is heading to college with Sehun next year. Today you're going to spend this Christmas with your family and your close friends' family and Sehun's. You're nervous as you drive down the road heading home, not because of the family gathering feast or Sehun, well maybe because of Sehun as you've prepared to confess to him today. You look to the passenger seat seeing a red rose and a little box sitting there. You've been planning this for a while, debating whether you should by him a couple ring or a couple necklace.

You took a deep breath in as you shake the negative thoughts out of your head that is telling you that Sehun will not like the present or accept your confession. You know it's silly of you to buy those stuff because you think there's 98% chances that he'll reject you since he hasn't shown any interest in you all these past years. But you couldn't hold it in anymore, you're tired of seeing him talking about other girls and treating you like his little sister.

You know that you'll ruin your special friendship with him if this goes wrong but it's now or never you tell yourself. Also you've been worried about someone else asking Sehun out before you and he might accept their confession. Thinking about that makes you more concern and you've never much been an optimistic person but not quite a pessimistic one too. You arrive at your house to see Christmas decorations hanging everywhere.

"Ok, this is it. Be faithful and hopeful [y/n]. Have faith and hope." You told yourself as you grab the Christmas present and the rose and got out of your car. You walk up to the entrance door but notice something strange. Everything is dark inside, and really quiet. You thought they're probably in the backyard but you hear no noise at all. So you thought they might be having some prank, ready to scare the hell out of you if you walk in the door, so you put you Christmas gift in the pocket of your coat, and try to open the door but it was lock.

What the? Where's everyone? You ask yourself. You pull out your phone to call your parents but it went straight up to voice mail. Weird my parent especially my mum would always have her phone out next to her and never miss a call. You thought she might be preparing for the party, but that wasn't it because you guys were suppose to have the feast at your house.

You then scroll down to see your close friend Lay and contact him, but his went to voicemail as well. You have no choice to call Sehun. You dial his number and waited, anxiously. But to your disappointment he didn't answer as well. Ok, this is getting really weird. You thought. Why isn't anyone answering their phones? You then tried to peak in the window but your phone rang. You opened it to see a message from an anonymous person with no number. You opened the message and it reads:

Go to the bouquet flower store and pick up the flowers there. We forget to collect it on the way. Hurry!

Who is this? What flowers? You thought as you frowned at the message. There's only one way to find out as you got back into your car and drove there. There's only one flower store in the town so you know the way. In fact, your mum is friends with the owner Mrs.Son there. Mrs.Son is a beautiful woman in her fifties living with her husband. When you got there the sign said it's close, but it's only 5pm. Wait, it's Christmas of course shops are all close. Why didn't you think of this first? You scold yourself. That message might have been a prank or sent to the wrong number. Nevertheless, you got out and walked over to the door. You knocked on the door and called out hello. You inhale and exhale when no one answered. You were about to walk back to your car when the door open and Mrs.Son walks out holding a large bouquet of flowers.

A Christmas Confession ( Sehun x reader)Where stories live. Discover now