Chapter 1

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I saw this silent movie called Laugh, Clown, Laugh & I really liked the scene where Tito – the clown – sees the love of his life kissing his best friend (sadistic, I know). When Tito's show partner comes to find him so he can have his final bow, Tito does it reluctantly. He sheds his depression and goes on stage for final show. He's everything a good clown should be, and the audience laughs and applauses uproariously. His show partner watches from back stage, and the words come up on screen, "Laugh, clown, laugh – even when your heart is breaking."

Disclaimer: The Naruto characters are not mine. The movie Laugh, Clown, Laugh is not mine. This story is inspired by Laugh, Clown, Laugh, but it is not the same plot.


"You should definitely tell him, Hinata!" Tenten encouraged her friend.

"Yeah! With the makeover we've given you, he won't be able to resist!" Ino added smugly. Of course, she had done the majority of the makeover herself.

"Y-you really think so?" Hinata asked shyly, twirling a piece of her hair. Ino decided she needed a new hairstyle.


"You're always hiding behind those bangs of yours! I think it's time you show Naruto how much you've grown since he left!" Ino commented.

"Ah… o-okay…"

Poor Hinata was terrified when she saw those scissors and almost passed out when she saw steady snippets of her hair falling to the ground in a cluster – the pile growing larger and larger with each snip of the scissors.

"Calm down! You look as if I'm cutting your skin instead of your hair!" Ino joked.

In the end, it was worth it. "There. All done."

Hinata's hair was now shoulder length when it was straight; her bangs were parted at her left temple and curled into a swoosh on the right side of her head; the rest of her hair was in loose and bouncy curls, stopping just above her shoulders.

(LINK 2 SEE HER HAIR: .com/imgres?q=selena+gomez+hair&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=605&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=bVo2c6Gby34wzM:&imgrefurl=.&docid=FgI5gSoXk9CXRM&w=423&h=594&ei=3NhKTsX8COLb0QGXysHrBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=570&vpy=91&dur=1112&hovh=266&hovw=189&tx=96&ty=131&page=1&tbnh=133&tbnw=97&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0)

"Wow, Hinata! You look great!" Tenten complimented.

"Yeah! Who would've thought Ino-Pig could actually do a good job!" said Sakura.

"Can it, Billboard Brow!" Ino shot at Sakura before handing Hinata a hand mirror. A small gasp escaped her lips at the sight of her own reflection. She had never liked her appearance before, but now… "I… I look beautiful! Thank you, Ino!"

Ino softened a little and smiled. "Well. Just promise us you're gonna be a knock-out."

*end of flashback*

"Let me know how it goes! He should be arriving pretty soon!" Sakura said with a wave as she headed towards the door. It'd been so long since she'd seen her friend; she couldn't wait to catch up!

"Yeah, I've got to meet up with Lee for laps. See you guys later!" Tenten suddenly announced.

"You two have been practicing a lot lately," Ino said slyly.

"Huh? O-oh, I… uh… we… uh…" Ino and Hinata giggled. "Whatever. See you later!" Tenten jumped out the window and was gone.

"Do you need me to stick around, Hinata?"

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