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"Fuck this!" I yelled throwing the pig's cigarettes at his smug little face.
"I don't give two fucking shits how much money your "daddy" has! Drugging me is one of my main rules! I'm the mother fucking ring leader and your the cunt licking bitch if I fucking tell you to be!"
My insults were a little off tonight because someone decided it was a good idea to put something in my drink. That's an automatic no "service" and your ass kicked out the door, "Goodbye! See you later! Ha! Never fucking allowed in here again!" treatment.
With a quick whistle from my red lips, my guard came in and dragged that piece of shit out back. I sat on the edge of the bed and held my forehead with my hand. Good thing it was only a small sip or I would have been out cold for at least another couple hours. I shook my head and stood back up examining my manicure, making sure that they were still intact from scratching the shit out of that fucker. However that was kinda hard since the world was still spinning.
"You done for the night boss? Should I tell the rest to fuck off?" My guard said. My guard was tall with black raven hair. At first glance he doesn't look to tough, but I've seen him drag even people twice his size out of here. Yuu was a keeper that's for sure.
"Yes, I'm done for the night. I can't give a proper blowjob with this shitty double vision I have going on." I say pushing my hair back.
Yuu Simply nodded and headed out to tell the big spenders to come back tomorrow or fuck off. Obviously I demand and settled for nothing less then exact payment, and let me tell you, "this" doesn't come cheep. Most who come to see me are huge CEO's with pent up sexual frustration or the rich jerks who want to try something new. I would take anyone who had the money unless they broke my rules.
Rule one: At all times your will address me as master.
Rule two: Your never in control. You follow my orders or you will be punished. Three strikes and your out.
Rule three: No drugs with the exception of cigarettes and weed. Drugs are an automatic nonrefundable kick out and being put on the "black list."
Sometimes I think that I should have been an actor, because I could make anyone I wanted fall in love with me as easily as that. I've had hundreds of men come back crawling to me saying things like, "You felt it too right?" or "You felt the same. I know you did." I don't "feel" anything. Feeling takes away from the pleasure of an all day sucker.
Yuu shortly comes back in and says, "Ok their gone. You can leave whenever you want to." He says.
"You know Yuu, for all the things you do for me, I could give a discount on some specials if you want?" I say slightly cracking a smile.
"You know I have a boyfriend right Ruki?"
"You know a lot of people who visit me everyday have boyfriends, even husbands and wives too you know?"
"I'll pass Ruki."
"Your loss." I say lighting up a cigarette and pulling it to my lips. I let the sweet chemical mix fill my lungs and then let it out like it was my own CO2.
"Should I start calling you master like the other?" Yuu lets out a chuckle and I shoot him a glare.
"One more smart remark and you'll be wishing you could call me master."
"I was only joking. Put out the fire." He says.
I get up and Yuu helps me with my new Armani jacket and I quickly give my hair one more flip before being lead out the back door. After making sure no one was waiting up for me to have one more quickly or something, I continued on my merry way until I arrived at my apartment and went up to the top floor when my small black Chihuahua waited for me. He clung to my leg and barked excitedly. I took him up into my arms stroking the fur on his head.
"Daddy is home Koron." I say to him sweetly. I set him back down and hung up my coat and tossed aside my jimmy choos. I was only then I could let out a deep sigh of relief. Today was not what I imagined. Fewer people today and one tried to drug me. Fuck, I just wanted to wash this whole day away. So that was exactly what I was going to do. I walked into my bath room, and after discarding my clothing, climbed into a tub that could fit 5 people my size. The hot water slowly started to fill the tub. I let it fill to about my chin level and then stopped it. I sunk in and took a few deep breaths before submerging to wash my sweaty product infested hair.
For whatever reason there was something calming about being under the water. You can't actually wash away a day but this is the closest I can get to that. Don't think that I dislike my job because that's no the case at all. The red light district of Tokyo is a welcoming place for someone such as myself. Being dominate over anyone and everyone is satisfying to me. If that's all I have to do to have more money then I know what to do with, then why not?
I climbed out of the bath and let the water drain. By now I was so tired that all I wanted to do is crawl into bed. My event full day had finally caught up with me. I did just that, after driving off my body. I climbed under the warm sheets and let them wrap around my body. Then only after 3 am did I finally drift off into sleep.

The next night was more or less the same. Meet and fuck about three big and rich business men and then browse what else is going on about the club. I sat down in my usual spot with my usual drink "Death in the afternoon" which I usually only took a sip or two of before getting my catches of the night. I was just taking my first sip when I spotted a clumsy man who just tripped over on of the rugs. When he got to his feet I saw how read his face was. I couldn't tell if it was because of the fact he was in a gay bar or because of the fact that he was so embarrassed that he actually tripped over a rug. It was kinda cute to be honest, but at the same time still very masculine. He got to his feet and quickly averted away from the closest people, And actually take a seat right next to me. Does this little shit for a man know who the fuck he is dealing with? Not just anybody has permission to come and sit by me.
"Hey sweet cheeks." I say poking his shoulder aggressively.
"Who gave you permission to be in my presence?" I add.
"S-sorry I'll just-" as he got up to move I quickly pushed him back down address chair. I simply chuckled.
"Such an obedient subject." I say licking my lips slowly. The man watch me and I saw him swallow. I smirked.
"If you listen this well you might be fun for me." I moved my face closer to his, to the point where I knew he could feel my breath hit his lips. I knew the hairs on the back of his neck was standing on end. This is my chance. He had to have the money are of course he would've never walked in here. And if he's coming here than he should know who I am, what I demand, and that he knows that he'll leave satisfied.
"Speak your name peasant." I say it in a whisper tone.
"A-akira Suzuki..." He mumbles.
"Akira? Well Akira you'll address me as master is that understood?"
He simply nodded not breaking my eye contact. I like that in one of my customers. I like the feeling of control that I had over them and the feeling of their fear of me.
"So then... Come with me..."
He slowly got up to speed as my fingers caressed his scratchy chin. I pull my fingers back to me and let him back to my room. Yuu was in his usual spot looking through magazine when the two of us walked by. He simply gave me an emotionless nod as I shut the door behind the two of us.
I took slow steps up to him and then let my lips touch his as I spoke.
"You may think that out in the real world, your in control. You may think that your a big boy and that you want to be the dominant one. Let me tell you that you don't have a fucking clue then. Because here, I'm in control you take a step at a line and you will be punished. Now look at me and tell me do you understand your master?"
Once again he gave that nervous nod and I knew it was time for me to get to work...

(Picture by Akita-Sensei)

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