Waiting Forever

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Half Moon stood amongst the fallen in the early stages of StarClan, where only the cats from various battles before the formation of the Clans.

She watched Gray Wing play with the kits, his eyes betraying that he greatly missed his own.

I never had kits, though I loved Jay's Wing enough to think of having many kits with him.

It had already felt like so many moons since she was released from the grips of life and passed on to StarClan. It seemed like her bones would crumble by the time her death was near.

But it felt like relief, no longer having to lead a group of cats suffering the weight of the early settlers, the elderly cats with her, and the loss of Jay's Wing.

She had hoped he joined the ranks of StarClan before her but no such luck.

He was about the same age as me, it couldn't take much longer for him to join me.

Little did she know how long she had to wait.


Half Moon sprawled across the StarClan ground and gave a long huff.

Why isn't he here?!

It was long enough that he couldn't possibly be alive still, even Moth Flight had already reunited happily with Micah, only now having to wait before their kits join them.

Families are getting reunited and they couldn't get more happy, is it possible that Jay's Wing didn't end up in StarClan?

Her eyes widened at the thought, that couldn't be possible. Jay's Wing was perfect.

So she slumped over very confused on what could have happened to the tom she loved very much.


"Hello Half Moon, wanna play moss ball with us?"

More generations pass as more cats join here.

Half Moon looked up at a sleek black and white she-cat bouncing eagerly.

"Skunkpaw, you woke me up from my nap." I muttered.

"Sorry!" Skunkpaw gasped. "You just seem so sad and we can hardly see you nowadays."

Half Moon's ears flattened, she looked and saw her body was almost translucent.

I'm disappearing from memory? But the Tribe has to remember me!

"Not now Skunkpaw." Half Moon growled. "Let me think."

The she-cat ran off and Half Moon sprawled out, her eyes dull.

Many things have happened to the Clans, but no Jay's Wing.

Half Moon looked down and saw a brown and white she-cat and an orange she-cat walking in the snow.

"That's Squirrelflight and Leafpool." Bluestar explained. "Leafpool is a medicine cat expecting kits."

Half Moon raised her nose in disgust, she knew what that was from Moth Flight's stories, from watching her struggle with her kits. It was against the code.

Waiting ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now