johnkat one shot

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No ones pov

6:45 pm

FUCKASS WHERE ARE WE GOING? WE'VE BEEN WALKING FOR GOG KNOWS HOW FUCKING LONG" the small Alternian troll complained to his matesprite. "Dont be like that Karkat! I cant just 'do the windy thing' in public! And pluse you know none of us have cars" john grinned widely. Now you may be wondering why john and karkat are walking around. Well having been dating for a few years, our little buck toothed windy child along with dave decided he should purposes to the raging troll. "FUCKASS ITS STARTING TO RAIN. TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK WE'RE GOING" "its a secret Karkitty!" John started giggling as he picked up the pace. "FUCKASS I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME TH-l" the raging troll was cut off after seeing the breathtakingly beautiful scene before him. There was a small candlelight dinner set up with rose petals scattered around it. The scene itself was illuminated by the bright orange sunset. "Well dont just stand there silly! Common we have a dinner to eat!" He laughed and pulled out a chair for the awestruck troll the went around to his own seat smiling adorable. "I know its not much but my dad made us some sandwiches and stuff. I mean its not a grand meal but its still food." He said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. After a while of munching on bj sandwiches (any promstuck fans???) John got up and got down on one knee. "WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK ARE YOU DOING EGBERT?" "Karkat Vantas. You have been in my life for a really really long time. I love that adorable smile you think I never see, the way you bite your lip when you get shy or nervous, I even love the way you yell for no reason and rage at everything and everyone. I honestly think that your the cutest and most adorable troll on earth and I would go through hell with a smile if it ment I got to see you. So, I John Egbert am asking you Karkat Vantas, raging troll of Alteria , to human marry me." He said stuttering slightly with a blush on his face as he pulled out a small box with a ruby and a sapphire ring surrounded by six tiny diamonds and waited for karkat's response. Seeing small pinkish tears flowing down his face he get tackled by a small troll."FUCK YES. FUCKING YES. I WILL FUCKING HUMAN MARRY YOU." He said with a huge smile as he kisses John happily.
Kankri's pov (wuuuut bet u didnt expect this)
"Ha.. y9ung l9ve. It reminds me 9f us 6ack then d9esnt it Cr9nus?" He said wrapped up in the older seadwellers arms. "Yea babe. Just like us. I lowve you babe." "L9ve y9u t9 Cr9nus."


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