Chapter 28 - It's that time of year again

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Hey hey hey my beautiful people it's been so long again! I know I'm sorry, truly! I'll be hopefully updating often!

I hope you enjoy the chapter there are multiple flashbacks so bare with it! Love you all!!!

This is dedicated to Alix, the girl who never gives up 😍


Chapter 28 - It's that time of year again 


Izayan stood patiently waiting for my response. Me, on the other hand, was having a conversation about fishes in my head, that's right fishes, and funnily enough I wasn't even talking to Devil or Goody I was just talking to myself.
It seemed the air had gotten to me and I was off my ass drunk and could not comprehend what Izayan had said. That is until I stopped the fish conversation and finally realized what he said.
"No." I responded Um... WHAT!?!? This was the first time I had heard both Goody and Devil the whole night. So I decided I was going to ignore them.
"Huh?" Izayans face looked so blank, you could tell he used this to mask any emotion he didn't want to be shown.
"Be my boyfriend." Were the next words that spilt out of my mouth. A demand, not a question. "I mean only if you want, you know...Well, you do live in my house so technically I think I can demand you to or something. Isn't that how it works I swear like a boyfriend slave or is that a sex slave... Ewh gross sex" I shiver repulsed by my own words, people this drunk shouldn't be allowed to talk "No I don't want that-" Izayan cut me off by kissing me but when I mean kissing me I mean an intense lock of lustrous lips in one solid rough moment. So I peed myself a little and then kissed him back, poorly, I mean even I wanted to cringe but my drunk functioning body loved it. So we kissed. Repeatedly, till I could no longer breath.
"Hell, yeah." was his response when we stopped kissing.
I laughed and it was weird I suddenly felt sober I mean was that a thing could kisses sober you up like suck out the alcohol, is he now drunk? Niki stop right there, you're still drunk you dumbass. 
"Kitten, want to go in now or are you happy to freeze to death?" he motioned for me to enter the house and I smiled the whole way in.

End of Flashback

It was a few days before Christmas, Izayan and I were out Christmas shopping and I was trying so hard to figure out what he wanted for Christmas. Every question I asked he'd either not answer or counter with another response to do with something totally different. The frustration that was brewing inside of me was unreal and I knew if he wasn't careful I'd end up punching him in the face, in a nice way of course.

"Izaaaayyyyaaannnn, can you please just tell me what you want for Christmas" he laughed before picking up a scarf "This is cute for Rose right?" I growled in frustration. He looked at me and laughed again before wrapping his arm around me and whispering "I want you baby" and I almost died. "It's too bad Aden and Brooke are coming down for Christmas otherwise you really could have been my present." That's when I hit him, "Ha you wish" I said laughing.

He suddenly smirked before saying "Fine,  I'm sure Aden will be happy too! Then you will be lonely in your bed all alone." he winked at me and I laughed. 

Um, Niki sorry to ruin this fun banter, sarcasm dripped from Devil thoughts which I didn't even think was possible,  but haven't you already brought Izayan a Christmas present?  I mentally facepalmed, it was such a me thing to do. 

"Actually don't worry about it we will both join you, I have rights remember" 


Holy mother of Jesus and all the other Gods out there. Am I dead because I sure as hell feel that way. My head was pounding so hard I'm surprised no one could hear it, why oh why do I drink so much when I clearly can not take it! Well, that might be because you're a dumbass! Ahh it even hurt when my conscience spoke! 

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