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Chapter 1:

Hello! How are you sir or ma'am? I hope your day has been splendid.

My name is sakano. And yours?

I'm 29 years old. Oh wow I feel old I'm almost the big 3.0. Time goes by fast doesn't it.

My job is a producer at NG records/productions. I've been working there for 3 years. So since I was 27. Long time,huh? I love my job. It gets more unique each day. Does yours? I hope it does everyone needs entertainment in their life even if it's a little glimpse of it.

The owner of the company is Touma Seguchi. He's my idol! I've been admiring him since I was like 22? I believe it was 22. But I could be wrong! To this very day I still admire him. Guess you can say I'm a huge fan. Actually...I'll agree with you. I am.

Also,I've been in love with him for 3 years. I know it's wrong! We're coworkers. It's wrong. I could get fired if he found out about my feelings. J....just don't tell him! Please?

Uhm....what else is there? Ooh! He's married. Sadly it's true.Wife is mika "useugi" Seguchi. She's 29. Same age as me. Geee isn't that great! They've been married for...uhm....6 years? I'd agree on 6 years but I'm not sure. So don't believe me on that answer. But I'm sure it is something along that. They've been married for a long time.

To be honest though, I don't really like her. Okay let me explain first before you start yelling at me! She is always visiting her dad in Kyoto. Never here for her husband. I mean what wife does that?Never visits him at work. Doesn't comes to his concerts. Your husband is a fricking keyboardist! In a famous band! Why wouldn't you show up? Everyone loves bands! Who doesn't? Music rocks! I can't be the only one who thinks that. Right?

Uhm....I don't know if this is only me, but if your married doesn't matter what gender you are. I'd be home before my husband/wife got home and make them a special dinner. Maybe a relaxing bubble bath to help soothe them and relax at night. And finish it off with cuddles.

Does she do that? Probably not. But I'd do it. It'd show them how much you love them and prove how much. Well I think it would.

Back to the fan thing now. You may think I'm obsessed but yea.. I have all his music, posters, clothes I've seen him wear at concerts I've probably spent like $4,000 on that stuff. A poster was like $19.99 I think or 17.31. I have 12 posters. 16 outfits.19 albums. 3 signatures on posters and 1 on album. That's my fan collection right there.

There's more I can tell you. But what is it? Hmm...Oh! I think I'd be a better lover for shachou (I think that's how you spell boss/president in Japanese). I mean who doesn't want a lover who stays by his/her side? I would definitely want someone like that! Wouldn't you?

I think that's it about me. If you have any questions or anything just ask. I'm an open book. I'll basically tell anything to be honest.

Have a lovely day or night! And I hope your day or end of day had gone fantastic. I hope my day goes well. Saynoura! (I think that's how you spell it («^~^»)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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