Hi I'm Chyna.

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Hey bewwws This book is basically my second published one. The only reason I'm writing this is Because it's Christmas break and I'm bored. I really hope y'all enjoy and give plenty thoughts from your perspective. Enjoy sweets.

Hi, I'm Chyna,(in the media) or at least that's my stage name. I live a very simple life that others wished they had. Well, that was at least until she got in the way of things.

I have a son named King-Cario Stevenson. He takes his daddy's last name,Stevenson.

I was in love With this guy,well I actually still am. His name is Michael.
Michael and I were engaged but the engagement was broken off. I was fine with everything until he started messing with a teenager.

Maybe I should just start my 'simple life' story from the beginning.

"Mikey baby, I have something important to tell you" I said with sweaty palms.

I was nervous at to what Michael's response would be after I told him this.

"Yeah sure, what is is?" Mike said motioning for me to sitdown beside him.

I walked over and sat a few inches beside him a blurted out quickly "I'm knocked up."

"What you mean by "knocked up" ? " Michael asked wide eyed looking at me.

"Remember when we had that one drunken night two weeks ago in the Caymans?"


"And I told you to use condoms?"

"But we didn't"

"Well, I'm two weeks into my nine months of pregnancy."

Michaels eyes opened to the size of dimes,I couldn't tell what expression he was showing.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" He said with a smile across his light skinned face.

"I don't want to know yet. I want to find out when you're there with me, how do you feel about this?"

"Baby I think it's great!! I always wanted a kid. I gotta call my momma and tell her!" He practically yelled while picking up his iPhone.

Michael's mom and I don't have the best bond. She basically thinks that Michael can do better than me because I was just 'trash' that 'exposes' my body for fun.
I didn't finish highschool because when I was a sophomore my dad became an alcohol addict. He was coming to pick me up from school one day and he was intoxicated and drove over the freeway. He died when I was age 15 leaving my mom struggling to pay bills and things were so bad that she had to take me out of school.

My dad was the only love of her life. When he died it broke her heart, leaving her to result in smoking of marijuana. At first I thought it was just a one time thing to relieve her stress. That was until she got a job designing Rolex watches and spending all the money she made of drugs and not bills.

I had to take things into my own hands.

"CHYNA!!!!!!" Screamed Michael.


"Damn girl is that a pregnancy hormone thing already? I mean, Zoning out on my me like that?"

"No sweetie, I was just thinking about names for the baby." I lied.

"Oh, what names did you think about so far?"

I thought of something quickly "Well Michael Jr., if it's a boy or Valentina if it's a girl."

"Where did Valentina come from?"

"I don't know, but it sounds pretty I guess."

Valentina is actually a really cute name for a baby girl when I thought about it.

"Anyway, what did your mom say?" I asked to break the silence.

"She didn't even answer it went straight to voice mail, I'm bouta go over there in a few to check on her. You coming?"

"Babe you know your mom hates me so why would I even try to be in her presence?"

Michael pointed up the stairs " Go shower and get dressed, NOW!"

"Mmmm, Yes Sr."

I walked up the stair case feeling a bit more tired than I usually do when I walk up it.
I finally reached into the bedroom and I walked straight over to the closet to pick our my out fit for the day.

After at least 15 minutes of deciding what to wear, I finally agreed on a nude colored body con dress that hugged my curves perfectly, and a pair of white red bottom heels, of course I couldn't leave the house without arm candy so I picked out a Gold jewelry set Michael gave me for my 23rd birthday.

I made my way into the shower and started catching up on my memories there.

I remember that at the age of 15 I had to find a job to support me and my mom with food and bills. So I started looking. I would either be cleaning houses for $20.00 a day or dancing on a pole for half a $1000.00 every night.

Of course I chose the most well paying job, which was being a stripper. At age 15 I was super developed already that I could be mistaken for at least a 17 or 18 year old. So I got a job at Stouts club illegally but it was worth the pay.

I've been stripping ever since then.

I quickly got out of the cold shower and dressed.

"Baby, you done yet?" Mike asked from outside the bathroom doors.

"Would I be I'm the bathroom if I was finished?"

"You always got some smart shit to say. Hurry up turtle. Love you"

"I'm done now." I said unlocking the bathroom door to peck Michael on the lips "I love you too boo, let's go!"

On our way to Michael's mom, we stopped at Starbucks to get some coffee.

"OH MY GOD IT'S TYGA!!!!!!!" Screamed a girl from inside the coffee shop.

She asked Mike to take a picture with her and of course he did. Leaving me to go get the beverages.

After 10 minutes we were in the car when. ................

Sorry to leave you hanging like that but it's currently 12:39 in my country and I'm really sleepy. I promise I will have chapter 2 up soon.
1) What do you think happens in the car?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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