Chapter Two

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I wake up to sirens blasting. Oh no... The cops. "Guys hurry get up!" I say over the sirens. Everyone hears the sirens and gets up quickly. We are all packing our bags when we hear: "Guys! They're over here!" We all start running. As fast as we can. We reach a river. I look around to see if there is any way of getting across. I see a log about 30 feet to our right. "Guys over here!" I say quickly. Everyone follows me quickly. We reach the log and one by one I let everyone, balancing carefully. Finally it's me and Aidan left. "Go ahead." He says. "Thanks." I say and quickly get on. Everyone else is already at the other side, and I can here the cops. It's really slippery and I'm having trouble balancing. I almost slip and Aidan catches me. "Thanks again." I say. He steadies me and we get to the end. We all hide behind trees just as the cops arrive. "We lost them." One of the cops say angrily. We wait about 10 minutes in shock. "Guys. Let's go." Says  Caleb. "Yah, replies Nick. We start walking through the woods. After a while it starts getting cold and Mark gives his jacket to Madison. Aidan puts his arm around me to keep me warm. We keep walking until we reach a beautiful waterfall. We all gasp at it. "This Is really pretty!" Says Bryn. "You could say that again." Says Eva. "Let's set camp here. But let's not make a fire." I say. Everyone nods. We all get out our blankets and since we are cold we sleep close together in our sleeping bags. Aidan sleeps to my left and Hazel to my right. I face to see Aidan, who is staring at me. "Thanks again. For what you did back there." I say. "I'm just glad you didn't fall." He replies. "Hope, I would've picked you up as well, after I stopped laughing. Now shut up you love birds." Caleb remarks. I fall asleep in Aidan's chest after I say, "I love you."

So sorry it's takin me this long to write this much! I've just been so busy with school and such!  To my best friends (you know who you are) love ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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