Part one

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Have you ever wanted something to be different? No that's stupid. Was there a time when you- God I'm stupid. Why am I even trying to write this stupid essay? Well here's to failing senior year. I mentally stress as I put my head into my hands out of frustration.
"Charlotte? Are you okay?" Mr. Johnson asked walking to my desk.
Shit. How lovely I'm now making a scene.
"Yes Mr. Johnson, just cannot think of what to write." I say jokingly, even though it's not a joke.
"Oh that's the worst. If you need help come and talk to me, I'll gladly help!"
"Thank you Mr. Johnson." I say brushing off the offer. Come one Charlotte, just write something.
"I do my best writing when I don't think." Noah whispers in my ear from the desk behind me, making me jump.
"Jesus Christ do you not know personal space?" I raise my voice slightly, still in a whisper.
"Yes, just trying to help blondie." He replies spitefully. I turn slightly to face him.
"Gee thanks, the boy who can barely do group projects is giving ME writing tips. THANK YOU SO MUCH. WHAT A LIFE SAVER YOU ARE."
"If you're gonna be a bitch, I'll never help you again. Also, it's not boy it's guy."
"Like that's such a loss?" I say turning around. This is the last thing I need. Noah Madison please just leave me alone. I try to resume typing an essay that I have zero motivation to write. As I do this the bell rings, making me sigh out of relieve and stress because this essay is due later today. I start walking to my grey rundown Jetta when I see my current boyfriend, Thomas leaning against it. Instantly bringing a smile to my face. As I walk over to him I give him a hug and a peck.
"Ew, get a room." Noah says walking to his car next to mine, earning a glare from me.
"Oh shut up." Says Thomas, giving him the 'bro hug'. Thomas and Noah are friends, just accept it. I put on the best fake smile I could.
"I'll see you at my boxing tournament later right?" Noah asks Thomas and I.
"Oof I'd love to but, we have that essay due later remember?" I say trying to fake disappointment.
"Maybe you shouldn't have thought so hard." He says digging his sea eyes into mine.
"Maybe you should've let me just do my work." I say challenging him.
"Haha okay guys-I'll see you later Noah." He says stepping between us, knuckle punching Noah and getting into my Jetta.
"Do you really enjoy his presence or just annoying the fuck out of me?" I say jokingly.
"A bit of both haha." Thomas replies giving me a peck on my cheek, "I'll see you after practice baby."
"Bye, be safe." I say and watch him head to the football field, then drive out of the parking lot.

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