the forgotten ones.

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it was a village. a small one. with people too obsessed with God, to realize what the world was like around them. my name's corinne. i have four brothers and two sisters and a dog. I've lived in this cage now, since i can remember. they say, "we were once like 'the others'" but I don't believe em. after all, it's always, "god this" and "god that" sheesh, i really wish they'd wake up. don't get me wrong, I don't hate god. in fact, i love him. but, I don't think god wanted us to spend our whole lives being totally obsessed with him and oblivious to our surroundings and what we had ahead of us. being in a hole forever, sucks. if i were to be let free now, i would run like a wild horse out into the real world. where they make their own choices.

Chapter one: the fight

my mom yelled.
"corinne! i know you hear me. feed charlie!"
"okay mom!"
i yelled back.
charlie, was the name of my dog. we got him about six years ago. he was a chocolate lab with yellow eyes, and with a soft and shiny brown coat.
i walked to the kitchen where my dog was standing. he was in the same spot he was always in, right next to his bowl, waiting for someone to feed him. i picked up the dog food knowing that he would look me straight in the eyes until i poured it into his bowl. i smiled, poured the food and pet him as he ate. i then walked outside to get water out of the well. there i saw my younger brother and sister. fighting. like always.

"Jewel, stop stealing all of my cards!"
"I'm not, Julian! these are mine!"
next thing i knew, i was breaking up a fist fight. why can't people just get along? why?
"would you guys stop fighting? it's just cards."
i asked.
"no cori! these are the cards dad gave me before he left!"
my brother said, half crying. my dad was in the war. he left about two weeks ago. i hated how we just woke up one day and he wasn't there. "he's been drafted." i remember my mom saying while hugging my older brother. i should be sad/depressed about it, but I'm not. this sorta thing happens to everyone in this village.
"Julian, suck it up and deal with it! it's not like you're 'losing' your cards."
i said frustrated. my little brother had to learn that people weren't just gonna hand him things in life, just because he wanted it.
"cori, you're always sticking up for jewel! i hate you and i wish you would go live with grandma!"
i looked into my brothers brown and watery eyes. he had brown skin, nice eyes, and dimples that showed through when he smiled. but, he was very annoying.
"well, i wish you would learn to be less bratty."
i said as i looked to my sister, Jewel. she was skinny and had hazel eyes and short brown hair. she was very pretty and tall for her age.
"jewel, you need to learn to ask people before taking. stealing isn't the way to go."
i said ignoring my brother's next comment.
"okay, cori."
she said looking me straight into the eyes.
i walked away remembering that i still needed to get the water for my dog. once i reached the well, i spotted my friend sitting there, waiting. like always.
"hey e-man"
i called. e-man was my best friend. his real name was ethan, but e-man was the name i called him to signify our friendship. he was hispanic, he had tan skin, green eyes and a very heavy spanish accent.
"hey c dawg."
ethan, always called me c-dawg, it was how we communicated with eachother. "e-man and c-dawg conquering the world."
yeah, let's just say..we weren't the coolest people.
"i need to get water for charlie."
"charlie's fat, maybe he doesn't need to eat."
"all creatures need to eat, you bird brain."
we both laughed together then all of a sudden we heard,
"hey, devil worshipers!"
it was johnathan. the villages biggest pest. i detested johnathan. he was always ruining good times. johnathan was a tall and slender caucasian boy. he had hazel eyes and a devious smile. i always assumed he had a "regular" smile back in the days of youth, and he just conquered a devious one as he grew. or maybe it's just a weird thought. i always thought weird things.
"forget it johnathan, just because we don't go to church twenty-seven doesn't make us devil worshippers!"
"shut up, you filthy unholy sons of a--"
before johnathan could finish his sentence, i saw ethan ramming his fists into johnathans cheeks. a brawl started, and people started noticing.
i yelled
"ethan, let him go, he isn't worth it!"
ethan, refrained from the punches and stood next to me. i looked at johnathan, lying on the ground, covered in blood. then, i looked up at ethan, who was looking to the ground as well. then, we both looked at the village people, staring right back at us. disgusted. judging us for a story, they didn't bother wanting to hear.
"i am so disgusted in you both!"
said mosley. mosley was the villages..president. he was the minister at the church, and he was in charge of basically everything in the village.
"you ethan, you're practically killing one of god's creations, punching him like that."
said mosley looking at ethan in a judgemental stare.
"and as for you, young lady, aren't you supposed to be carrying your bible?"
mosley said confused. women and teenage girls in our village, were supposed to carry a bible at all times. I've always wondered why, i guess it was just the way they wanted it. the way they always wanted it.
"i-i-i just came out of my house. i was getting water for my dog."
i said nervously.
"I wasn't going to be out for long."
"both of you. go home. you are not to come out for the rest of the day. you are both shunned for twenty-four hours. good bye."
and without another word, everyone went back to what they were doing. ethan and i looked at eachother. and then i turned away and walked off. johnathan, was still lying on the ground. i stopped and looked at him, contemplating if i should help him or not. then, i turned and walked away. back home.

Chapter two:

when i got home, i noticed i forgot the water i needed to get for charlie. i sighed and walked back outside and got the water i had forgotten. i had to sneak. because, i was shunned. then, i walked inside just inside for my mother to begin yelling.

"corinne?! come and give this dog water now!"

she yelled as i walked in. sometimes, i think that I'm never able to recieve a break. that night, my family ate dinner, while i lied in my bed. thinking. about what next. i took a big breath in, and just when i was about to let it out, i heard a big crash. this crash woke everyone up. this crash, knocked the power out of our home. our village to be exact.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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