Chapter One: Dreams

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Rain drips steadily onto my tattered clothes. Meant for men, but I needed them to see... Him. His eyes are now filled with tears as mine slowly close. He whispers something as my body goes numb and I can just barely feel the gentle press of his soft, warm lips tingling against my damp forehead.


"Holy god, 'Ponine! What are you doing in here? I thought you were dead!" Someone shouts, startling me from my unplanned nap. I open my eyes and glimpse Courfeyrac standing in the doorframe of the library, chocolate brown eyes wide with surprise. Combeferre follows close behind him, looking at me sceptically behind his wire rimmed glasses.

"Sorry... I was getting a book for Gav." I mumble, letting thoughts of the boy drift from my mind. "Must've fallen asleep." I realize that I'm lying on the floor and shakily stand, using a bookshelf for support.

"We should go meet Enjolras in the banquet hall before he accidentally murders 'Taire." Coufreyac says to both me and Combeferre. He gestures towards me and I walk to him, stumbling before I reach them.

"Whoa, are you alright?" Coufreyac asks putting his large hands on my shoulders.

"Yeah... Fine. I had this dream and now I'm all weirded out." I reply, trying to push humor into my words. The image of the boys tear-filled blue eyes lingers in my mind. Combeferre shakes his head and starts to explain the entirety of all scientific theories on dreams, etcetera, etcetera, as we walk through the halls. We stop in front of the banquet hall's giant oak doors.

 None of us really knows what the name of this place is and none of us can remember a time before we got here. Most of us just call it The House. You would think living in one place for your entire life could get really boring, but it doesn't. The only one who's actually been everywhere in The House is Enjolras, he probably got lost on of his pacing sprees and continued on.

 Courfeyrac pushes open the doors and I spot Grantaire and Enjolras sitting at a table near the back of the large room. Grantaire grins and stands, saying something Enjolras that I can't hear. Courfeyrac waves to them and I scowl at Grantaire. Combeferre, Courfeyrac, and I tramp to the table and sit on the long marble bench that accompanies it. Enjolras barely looks up as Courfeyrac drops a book that I didn't realise he had grabbed in front of him. 

"Hello there, Éponine. I didn't know you'd be joining us." Grantaire smiles, bowing. I glare at him and scowl even deeper, standing a little from the bench.

"Lay off, 'Taire. She's already riled up from a dream, and she throws a good punch." Courfeyrac says before I can do anything. At this Enjolras finally perks up, but I'm not sure why. He brushes back his blonde locks and looks at me fiercely. I don't think he can look at anyone without looking at them fiercely. All he really enjoys seems to be planning and arguing,  but not without a cause. I think that's why he gets so riled up here, nothing to plan, no one to save. 

"What was it?" He asks. Raising one eyebrow a bit accusingly.

"Nothing," I mutter. "It was just weird... I was... Dying, I think." I realise I'm still standing from Grantaire's greeting and I sit down, letting the cold of the marble seep into my skin. I tuck my dark hair behind my ears and wait for a response.

"Oh. Okay." Enjolras responds, going back to his book. I giggle at the ridiculousness of my words. How could I dream of dying like that? With a BOY holding me, no less! I've never been attracted to anyone, especially someone like him, so sappy and cliché looking.

I finally put the dream aside and listen to Combeferre and Enjolras talk strategical nonsense that we'll never have to use, and never had to before.

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