Jar Of Hearts

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"Come on, Harry!  You can't just stay inside for the rest of your life." 

Niall jumps on Harry to try and get his phone away from him. Harry makes an animal like noise pushes him away.

"Leave me alone, Niall. I'm doing something very important." Harry explains showing Niall his phone.

"How is stalking Louis' Instagram page important? You're losing you're mind, Haz. You need to get out of the house and have some human interaction. You're acting like he was you're only reason to live."

Niall sighed and sat down beside Harry. The pictures of Louis and some new guy were all that Louis seemed to post lately. It was more than Harry could take. Louis was his first true love. He was his first everything. It has only been three weeks and two days since they have broken up and Harry didn't know how Louis could move on so quick.

"That's because he was my reason to live , Ni! I feel so lost without him. And he fact that he could just move on and forget about me so quick breaks my heart into pieces. In fact, I feel like he took my heart with him. It hurts knowing that he doesn't care about me anymore." 

Niall honestly felt bad for Harry and pissed at Louis. He doesn't understand how Louis could be so cruel and not even tell Harry that he had moved on. 

"Harry don't worry about him. Louis isn't worth it. Listen, I know what we need to do. I'll call the girls and Nick and tell them that we're all going to go to the Karaoke bar downtown."

"No! I don't want to go."  Harry whined and pulled the covers over his head. 

"Too bad! You're coming anyway and you're gonna sing. Now get out of the bed! Be excited!"

Harry was torn. He wanted to go to the karaoke bar, but he also wanted to lay in bed with his laptop watching Netflix. He decides to go to the karaoke bar instead.

Harry gets out of bed and Niall smiles like he just won a million dollars or something. Niall walks over to Harry closet and takes out a pair of black skinny jeans and a cute floral top. 

"Wear this. You look hot in it. I'm going to go text the girls and Nick." 

Niall walks out the door and down the stairs to the living room. 

Harry puts the clothes on that Niall picked out and walks to the bathroom to brush his teeth and do his hair. He chooses to leave his hair down instead of putting it in a bun.

He walks down the stairs and stands in front on Niall. 

"Let's go."

Harry and Niall walk out the door to go pick up the rest of their friends.



Louis is currently sitting on the couch of his house with his friend. That friend just happened to be Louis' friend with benefits. 

"What are you think about, Lou?" Jake, the 'friend' asked.

Louis smiled at him and hugged him tighter. 

"Nothing, love. Are you okay with us going to a karaoke bar with my friends?" 

"Yeah, babe. As long as I get to spend time with you, I'm fine." 

"Let's go get clothes on and wait for them to get here." 

Louis and Jake get up and they race each other up the stairs to Louis' room. Jake trips and grabs Louis' hand so he falls with him. They both laugh and get up hand in hand. 

Louis dresses in his normal attire. An Adidas t-shirt and black skinny jeans with some Adidas shoes.

Jake dresses in a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans with a pair of vans. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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