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It was one of those days. Taylor slept in longer than she should have. The sudden chill brought on by November had taken over her bedroom this morning, making the warmth of her bed all too inviting. Lying there, still groggy with fatigue, she hadn't realized just how late it had gotten. She rolled over and reached for her phone on the nightstand. When the screen lit up she saw the time. 8:45 am. Shit. She groaned and begrudgingly threw the covers off of herself. Her bare feet hit the floor and the cold air of her room was a cruel reality compared to the comfort of her bed. She briefly thought about falling back into it, pulling the comforter up to her eyes and canceling her meeting. Regardless of how tempting that thought was, she stood up and immediately began to ready herself for the day's commitments. Despite Taylor having years of dealing with early morning obligations, jet-lag and accidentally sleeping in late under her belt, rushing to get ready never got any less stressful. And in truth, due to cutting back on work and spending more time at home, she was a little out of practice. She got dressed and did her makeup as quickly as possible and looked at her phone screen once more. Just after 9. She grabbed her bag and hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen to try and get some sort of breakfast. She ate hastily while nervously tapping her fingers on the counter; anxious to get where she needed to be. She pressed the home button on her phone to check the time again. 9:10 am. She had to be there by 9:30. A notification popped up on her phone: less than 10% battery remaining. Of course. She bit her bottom lip and scanned the room for her cell phone charger to charge it on the way. She moved over to the living room, frantically searching for it.
"Karlie," Taylor called through the house, dragging out her name. "Have you seen my phone charger?"
"Uh, no, I don't think so." Karlie called back.
"My phones almost dead and I'm already late and I can't find it."
"Well, where did you last leave it?"

Taylor exhaled sharply."I don't know. That's kind of the issue." She continued searching the room for a few more moments before walking back over to her bag and picking it up. She started to walk towards the door.

"Well, I can't find it so I'm just going to go anyways." She said, loud enough so Karlie could hear from whatever part of the house she was in. "My phone might die but I'm coming home right after so I shouldn't be too long but I-"

"Tay, wait" Karlie interrupted. She was speaking at a normal volume now, entering the room and walking towards her.
Taylor spun around quickly. She sighed at the sight of the baby on Karlie's hip holding Taylor's phone charger in her hands, examining it intensely, her baby brain working a mile a minute. Karlie half-smiled and shrugged. The stress of being late seemed to temporarily vanish as Taylor walked towards them, shaking her head and smiling.
"It's a good thing you're so cute." She said before kissing the top of her daughter's head. She took the charger from her hands, just as she was about to put it in her mouth. Taylor started to walk back towards the door.
"I'm going to choose to believe that you found it for me, and not that you were hiding it from me." She said over her shoulder to the baby. When Taylor reached the door she stopped suddenly in front of it. She was late. She knew it. But she didn't care. She quickly spun on her heels and walked back towards her family. The confusion on Karlie's face vanished when their lips met. Taylor pulled away and placed a hand on the back of the baby's head, absentmindedly running her fingers through what little hair the child had.
"Thanks for getting up with her this morning and letting me sleep in."
Karlie smiled. "It's fine. I don't mind." She looked at the clock on the wall.

"You should hurry. You're already late." She said. Taylor turned and started to walk towards the door for the third time. Karlie followed behind, with her free hand on Taylor's lower back, encouraging her to move quickly.
"You've been taking most of the early mornings and I'm going to try to do more of those."
"It's okay, Taylor. Really. I don't mind." Karlie answered. They reached the door and Taylor opened it. She turned around, quickly kissed Karlie and then the baby. She walked into the hallway and Karlie closed the door behind her. Karlie waited behind the door for a few moments, silently smiling to herself when Taylor's voice came from the other side.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." Karlie smiled and rolled her eyes.
"We'll be here." She answered back. And just as she turned to leave, Taylor's voice once again came from the other side of the door.
"I love you both."
"We love you too." Silence again. "Taylor, go. You're really late."
"Right. Bye." Taylor answered, before quickly making her way down to the first floor. She got into the backseat of the car that was waiting for her. Apologizing for keeping them waiting, she pressed the home button on her phone to see the time. 9:25 am. She was definitely going to be late. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the seat, not really minding that she was late anymore. 

Late (kaylor one shot)Where stories live. Discover now