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Hello. Hope you enjoy the books and all of the characters in the book are my own, so you must ask my permission to use them if want to or just give me the credit either is fine. Still there will most likely be spelling and grammatical errors. Enjoy the chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Merlyn's P.O.V

Their dead. Everyone. Everyone's dead, my friends, my family, everyone I have ever talked to. They are just dead. I scream when I see the killer, it's me, I'm the killer. I back a way from the person, but as soon as I move they shatter like glass. I keep moving back until I hit a wall. This can't be happening, how did I even get in here.

I wake up to see half the people in the room up and starring at me. It was just a dream, thank god. I must have screamed in my sleep because as soon as I started today up one of the professors arrive. She tells us all to go back to sleep, she looks at me for some explanation.

"I'm okay guys, it was nothing. I am sorry for waking you up. Just try and go back to sleep." I say still sweating. They all lay back down and go back to sleep. I sit there for a few more minutes. Just thinking about the dream, I had no idea what it meant. I know all eleven girls that were in my dorm were worried about me because all of them would hate to at a new room mate. I know that's the reason they haven't told the professors yet.

I looked at the clock after what i thought was about an hour of just laying there to worried to go back to sleep. The clock said it was 3:47 a.m.. Ugh I thought i have to be up in a little over 2 hours. I got up as quietly as I could careful not to awake any of the girls. I succeeded I got out of the room unnoticed, I slowly turned around to walk down the stairs to the common room. I started walking towards the door when I heard someone say "You know, Merlyn, we are all here for you girls, boys, teachers, even Headmasters Sin and Le. So, you could not possible walk out on your friends and your family because of some dreams."

"Damn it Emer. How did you know I was going to come down here?" I said in a whisper yell.

"I know you and besides I may not be in your house, but I do have your senses down. I can see your mind, how afraid you are that people will find out about your secret and that the dreams mean something more than you think. Yes I have seen the dreams, quite scary and confusing." Emer said in a modest tone.

"Right, I forgot you can have a warlock dad and a sencor for a mom. How can you see into my mind though? that is not any tricks of sencors or warlocks. Your parents will be so proud of you that you got a new power or will they? Seeing as how they think that your brother is perfect and your a disgrace even though you got into this school. You don't even want to be here. You are just here to make them proud of you and for them to finally accept you for who you really are." I say a bit rudely staring straight into Emer's rainbow eyes.

"How do you know that, I have never told anyone that before. You can't read my mind can you?" Emer said quite frantically.

"I don't have to read your mind to know those things. I am can you read you though your not the only one that knows people. I can read almost anyone by looking and talking to them. Besides we are the only two people that don't get mail or anything from the outside. I don't send any, but I see you writing them in the darkest of corners. I am nothing special and everyone knows it, even the teachers know. Between you and me there really is nothing special about me, if you think i am lying just ask a couple of the teachers what my powers are see what they respond. I am a disgrace to my family, but at least I embrace being a disgrace. Unlike you hiding it , pretending to be something that your not, your the real disgrace. And to think you are more powerful than your brother and you parents combined, but your a cowardly to show it." I said quite cockily still staring at him. Neither of our gazes wavering.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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