Prologue / Introduction

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Hello Critters!

Welcome to my first Creature fan fiction! *balloons fall from ceiling*

Before I start writing the story I just wanted to say a few things:

1. I am writing all this on my iPhone so if the format is weird or if I spell something wrong, that's why. I would appreciate a little cooperation with that, and also if you do see a mistake or anything along those line please do tell me. I would appreciate it.

2. I know some things may not seem right in relation of real life and the fanfic but everything that I say or make different is to make the story go smoother. So please try to go with it.

3. A small little note but this story is dedicated to my best friend Lauren (@myboihaywood on Twitter ). She was the one who basically introduced me to them and got me watching their videos. So this story is for her. <3

Thank you very much and I'll try an get the first part as soon as I can :)

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