Proposal. Aisle

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Note: I have edited this to make it, hopefully better. Thank you for reading :)

I am getting married!

Hard as I try, I can't seem to take my eyes away nor can I stop smiling as I make my way down the path to my soon-to-be husband to admire the decorations that lined the aisle. The happiness I feel is so overwhelming I am aware of nothing else as my mind and eyes stay fixed on Drew who is beaming at me, looking absolutely dashing in his tux at the end of the path.

I can still remember the day he proposed. It was nothing over-the-top, but its the little things that matter the most, the little things stays in your cherished memory the longest.

It was a normal date, after all it was not the activity but who you are with that matters. It was awfully cold in the movie theater, so after the movie, we decided to take a walk before heading for dinner. Drew was being unusually quiet, when suddenly I noticed he wasn't next to me so I stopped and turn around to see where he has gone. The scene before me took my breath away and for a second I thought I was dreaming. Drew was down on one knee holding out a single rose up to me, my hand flew up to cover my mouth.

'Sammy, I love you more than words can say and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife. Will you Marry me?'

For a minute my mind went blank, I can't believe it. I've dreamed of this so many times and now that it is really happening, I can't quite believe it. I have always been so sure that Drew is the one that I want, the one I cannot imagine spending life without.


That snapped me out of my reverie as I look down to see that Drew was still on one knee. I was so overwhelmed with emotions I flung myself at him and kissed him hard on the lips, causing Drew to lose his balance and the both of us ended up on the floor.

' that a yes?

Of course it's a yes dear, I'll be your wife if you'll be my husband'

He tenderly cupped my head kissed me with so much love, my knees went weak. We were already on the floor so no additional repercussions were caused.

 'I love you'

 'I love you too!' 

Coming back to the present time, we exchanged our vows. I am Yours, You are Mine, till death do us part, we recited our vows together. We exchanged rings, and the priest pronounced Husband and Wife. Drew gently cupped my face and kissed me, to the cheers and claps of friends and families who have gathered on this occasion. 

'I present to you, Mr and Mrs Drew Taylor!'

Looking over my husband, I'm excited to see what the future holds for us.

May it be blessed.

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