Chapter 9: Helping a Demon

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Mabel's POV

"Hey, Grunkle Stan," I said.

"Hmm?" He grunted while preparing for his next Mystery Shack tour.

"Have you seen Dipper anywhere?" I asked.

"Probably with Stanford, like always." He mumbled the last part.

I sighed. I haven't seen Dipper all day. He's barley ever around. All he does is stupid nerd stuff with Ford.

I walked outside. I sat down on the porch stairs. I pulled my sweater over my head and rocked back and forth. I've been going to sweater town so often now I'm starting to worry.

Dipper's was the closet thing to a real friend I've ever had (not counting Grenda and Candy). We've been together forever. I don't know what to do without him. I just wish things could go back to the way they were before Stanford came. Sometimes I wish I pressed the button.

Well sitting around won't do anything. I stood up. Maybe Candy and Grenda can hang out today. I began to walk to there house. I was walking when I saw someone I haven't seen before. He was tall with a purple tint to his skin. He had three eyes. He was so hot he was literally on fire. But he looked defeated and sad.

I wanted to talk to him, but I wasn't in the mood for flirting. I just needed my friends right now. I was walking pass him when he grabbed my wrist.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Can you help me?" He asked.

I yanked my wrist out of the way and looked up at him. He took his sun glasses off and smiled.

"Please." He said.

I couldn't look away from his eyes. They were so beautiful. In a weird evil way. Something told me to say no and keep walking, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't help him.

"What do you need help with?" I asked.

"Let's get something to eat before we talk."

I followed him into the diner and we sat down. He stared at the menu stressfully. Something told me that it wasn't the food stressing him out.

I gently placed my hand on his hand in a reassuring way. He stiffened quickly and I removed my hand.

"What's wrong?" I asked as kindly as I could.

He took a long deep breath. "I know this is going to sound crazy, but have you ever see a yellow triangle guy with one eye?"

I gasped, "Bill."

He raised an eyebrow, "You know him?"

"Yeah, he turned my brother into a living puppet we defeated him with tickles." I giggled remembering that day. Dipper looked so silly as a sock puppet.

"Okay, well I made a deal with Bill and-"

"Wait you did what?!" I cried.

"I made a deal with Bill, keep up." He said frustratedly, "And I'm failing to do what he asked me and-"

"Wait, you made a deal with Bill?!" I exclaimed again. What kind of idiot does that? Not counting Dipper. Wait, yeah counting Dipper. He's an idiot.

He growled, "Yes, yes I made a deal with Bill, now can you please stay focused here."

"Do you know how dangerous that is?"

He glared at me. "Yes, but it will be worth it and I regret nothing so far."

"What was the deal?" I asked.

"Listen, before I continue you need to promise me you are 100% on my side and won't tell anyone about this and will help me." He told me.

"Of course, but why did you ask me to help you over everyone else." I inquired, "You don't even know my name."

"Mabel Pines." He said.

"What?" How does he know my name? We just met and I never told him. "How do you know my name?"

"Can I trust you?" He asked.

"How do you know my name?" I asked again.

He gripped the edge of the table roughly, "That doesn't matter right now, I asked can I trust you?"

This guy was clearly bad news, but I have nothing else to do. I mean Dipper is always "busy", my friends can't hang out with me every single day, I have no one to talk to or spend all day with. At least this dude is close to my age. I'm guessing.

"You can trust me." I said as sincerely as possible.

He smiled, "Great, now before I tell you my problem let's eat."

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