Coming Out

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Freed was walking down the streets of magnolia with the happiest grin on his face. He had just come out to the guild, and at first he was terrified, but then everyone was so kind. They congratulated him, and made sure he felt accepted. He only had one more person to tell, and it was the most important of them all. Laxus. He couldn't deny the crush he had on his closest friend, although he knew Laxus would never feel the same way. Freed's smile became a little smaller, and nerves built in the bottom of his stomach, as he walked toward where the Lightning dragon slayer was resting.

Laxus was resting against the big tree in town. His arms were crossed, and his eyes closed.

Freed cleared his throat.

Laxus opened his eyes, and looked up at him. "Freed," he got up. "What do you want?"

"I-I um have to tell you something." Freed stuttered looking down at the grass.

"Alright." He sighed. "Go on."

"Well it's not that big of a deal. I've already told everyone else." Freed stalled.

"Then just tell me already." Laxus grumbled.

"Well I um." Freed took a deep breath. "I-I'm gay."

"What?" Laxus asked in an emotion that couldn't be defined.

"Y-yeah I'm gay." Freed repeated. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I was scared. I know it was stupid, because everyone excepted me but-"

"I don't except it." Laxus interrupted.

"Wh-what?" Freed asked in a scared and shocked voice.

"I don't except it. It's unnatural and wrong. It disgusts me." Laxus said harshly. "Leave. Stay away from me, freak!"

"T-tell me you're joking." Freed said in a shaken voice. Tears were forming in his eyes. He felt his heart shatter.

"I said get away!" Laxus yelled in anger as his lightning came down, only inches away from him.

Freed jumped away in fear. The tears now spilled over his eyelids. He quickly turned away, and ran.

After he was gone Laxus's Thunder had dispersed. His shoulders dropped, and rare tears streamed down his face. "F-freed?" He fell back into the tree. "I-I'm so sorry..."

Meanwhile Freed had ran as fast as he could away. He sobbed quietly as he went through town, not stopping to talk to anyone. He just ran until he got to the east forest. He stopped at Natsu and happy's fishing spot. He sat down in the edge letting his feet dangle just above the water. His tears fell into the stream below causing ripples with each drop. "L-Laxus why?" He chocked out. "Maybe I am just a freak.


A few hours had gone by, and freed had barely moved. The sun was beginning to set. He was still crying.

"I'm so pathetic." He sighed quietly. "How could I ever think Laxus would like me, let alone accept me. I should have never said anything. Now he hates me. I'll be kicked out of the thunder legion, and never get to talk to him again."

He suddenly heard footsteps behind him.

"Freed..." It was Laxus. "What are you doing here? Everyone is worried."

"Why do you care?" Freed snapped, he wanted to glare at him, but remembered the tears in his eyes so stayed turned away.

"Look.." Laxus sighed and sat down next to him. "I'm sorry for earlier."

"Yeah right." Freed scoffed." What did Mira put you up to this? I know how you are secretly scared of her. I really don't appreciate your fake apology."

"No one put me up to it." Laxus looked at the water sadly. "I really am sorry. I shouldn't have reacted that way. I do accept you, and I don't want you to feel like I don't. I was just scared..."

"Yeah right. Scared of what? Accepting me?" Freed shook his head. "If you're really sorry why don't you prove it-"

He was cut off by Laxus grabbing him, pulling him toward him, and pressing his lips onto his.

Freed widened his eyes in surprise, and had no time to respond.

Laxus pulled away after a short time. He looked down, and lowered his voice to a whisper. "I wasn't scared of accepting you... I was sacred of accepting myself."

Freed was left speechless.

"I really am s-so sorry freed." Laxus felt like he could cry again, but stayed strong. "Can you ever forgive me?"

Freed sighed, but then gave him a sympathetic smile. "Of course."

Laxus smiled, and brought freed into his lap, once again surprising the green haired Mage. "Good, because I don't know if I could handle losing you."

"U-um thanks I could never lose you either." Freed stuttered feeling his whole face go red, as he felt the dragon slayer's strong arms wrap around him.

Laxus nuzzled his chin into Freed's long green hair. "Mm I always loved the smell of that girly shampoo you use."

Freed felt his blush deepen. "I-it's not girly!" He defended. "It's super moisturizing."

"Whatever it is I love it, because it smells like you." Laxus replied.

Freed felt a smiled break out an his face because of the sweet words.

Laxus suddenly turned him around in his lap, so they were facing each other. "You know what else I love?" He asked flirtatiously bringing his head in closer.

Freed felt a shiver go down his back as he felt Laxus's warm breath on his face. He gulped. "N-no what?"

"I love the way you taste." He whispered before crashing his lips once again onto Freed's.

This time he kissed back happily. Laxus pulled him even closer to deepen the kiss. He nibbled his bottom lip slightly. Freed let out a small moan, allowing Laxus to slide his tongue in, and explore the new territory. Freed snaked his arms around his neck, enjoying every minute of it.

Suddenly they heard a small squeal causing them to break away, and scoot back from each other. They looked over to be met with the one and only Mirajane.

"I knew it!" She squealed happily, practically jumping up and down. "I can't wait to tell everyone, they'll be so happy." She started to run off.

"Mira wait!" Freed called, but Laxus stopped him.

"Let her go." He stated.

"But I thought you wouldn't want everyone to know." Freed said in confusion.

"Whatever." Laxus smiled, and ran his hands through his long hair. "Let them know I have the most beautiful person in the world all to myself."

Freed smiled bashfully, and without even thinking said, "I love you Laxus."

Laxus gave him a peck on the lips. "Love you too freed."

Hi everyone I hope you liked the first oneshot. Sorry if it was bad or too rushed. Comment your opinion. I'd love your support! Till next time!

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