How can you make me smile
When you have been hurting me for a while?
How can you stop my tears
When you are the reason for this tears?
How can you tell me not to lie
when lies are my only moments to live by?
How can you tell me not to care
When your love is all that I can bear?
How can you tell me not to talk
When your words are with me as I walk?
How can you tell me not to call
When to you, my heart fall?
How can you make me sing
When to you my notes cling?
How can you make me dance
When the rhythm of beat at your glance?
How can you make me forget
When I know this I will regret?
How can you make me your friend
When I know its not what I intend?
How can this destiny be so unkind
When I know that we can't meet till the end?
How can this love show to you
When I know you already love someone as I LOVE YOU.. .