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Sometimes going on a late night/early morning Taco Bell run was needed, and sometimes Josh & Tyler were too tired to drive which left me with the responsibility of being the 'designated driver.' Sure, I'd groan and complain but I was happy they had the common sense to ask me to drive as opposed to risking their own safety. I could just imagine it on the news.

Tyler Joseph and Joshua Dun, members of the newly popular band Twenty One Pilots, got into a car crash this morning when one of them fell asleep at the wheel. More on this story at 11.

So as stated before, I was glad they took precautions as opposed to not only endanger themselves but others as well, for the sake of some "mexican" food. Sometimes I had to be the adult of the group.
This morning was just one of those times. I was working on a particular song for almost 3 hours, before I decided for the sake of my own sanity, I should take a break. I had only stopped short of 15 minutes ago, and began sketching when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked up from my desk and behind me to see Tyler smiling down at me. I already knew that smile, the one where he specifically gives me this big ol' doe eyed look before he asks if I could drive him. I agree, like I always do, and stand up to find me keys; I'm abruptly stopped when Tyler holds them out in front of his chest. He smiles wider, and I can't help but laugh. Tyler had this obsession, this overwhelming love for Taco Bell. An obsession he had dragged Josh into. So when I said yes, and after he handed me my car keys, he ran off to go wake up Josh.
Josh was a napper. The same passion Tyler held for Taco Bell, Josh held for naps. But ever since Tyler, Josh would compromise a nap for a Taco Bell run very very quickly. These boys had devoted their lives to their music & their fans, but we all knew where their hearts truly lied. Taco Bell & naps.

All of us piled into my tiny car, 3 of 4 seats taken. Tyler and Josh sat in the back, and myself in the drivers seat, leaving the passenger seat open. It would most likely be used to put all of the food onto. Their Taco Bell orders were anything but small. Before I even started the car, Josh was asleep in the backseat again, Tyler climbing over onto the passenger seat, almost giddy with excitement. I had to laugh, it was truly amazing how excited he got over this. Starting the car, I reached over for the aux cord, and plugged it in. "Any requests?" I questioned Tyler, to which he responded by grabbing my phone and typing in something. I figured I trusted him enough, and left him with that responsibility - if you could even call it that. Pulling onto the main road, I heard the first beats of the song and knew it was Holding Onto You. He picked his own god damn music.
"Are you serious? You listen to your own music in your free time? Listen Ty, I know you are famous and you're good at what you do, but this is a new level of cocky." I teased him, before he shrugged.
"I actually didn't pick it. I was typing something else but I saw this in your search history so you're welcome there, pal."

He knew I listened to their music, that's how we met in the first place. I used to be a worker at Taco Bell a few years ago, and he saw I had some 21p bracelets. Since he was a regular there, especially at the drive thru, you saw a lot of each other. I gave him a lot of coupons and sometimes gave him things for cheaper prices because it is Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun. I was a fan, I didn't care if I got fired for it - which mind you, I did get fired for it later on. But there was something odd about him seeing his music in my search history, maybe it was because all those years ago I was just another fan who was utterly in love with them. Now I am actually friends with the boys, and hung out with them on a regular basis. Was it weird for me to still listen to their music often? All of these thoughts clouded my mind, and were making me a little nervous, wondering if Tyler thought it was as lame as I worried it was. I decided focusing on the music would be better, I'd worry later. I hummed along with the beat while silently appreciating how empty the roads were at this time. I absentmindedly started singing along, until the chorus ended and the rapping began. I was never good at rapping, no matter how many times I listened to their music and heard how fast Tyler could throw out clever phrases and rhymed. I just never got it down. I felt Tyler looking at me, as I struggled to keep up with the song, but he kept singing along. I just stopped trying until it got to the chorus & the bridge again. I tried to keep up with it still, and I knew Tyler wanted to say something. Maybe to mock me? I knew Tyler would never do anything he knew would hurt me, but my anxiety was selfish & shitty; It convinced me that Tyler would take this chance to poke fun at me, even if he did know it would bother me. Luckily we pulled into the drive thru, and he unbuckled his seat belt before he climbed to the back seat again to wake up Josh. The two stared at the menu in awe. Something I never understood because they ordered the same thing every time, but each time they took a while to stare at the menu.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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