bitter doesn't suit you.

4 0 0

Our eyes met across the subway. She have me a crooked smile and waved,i shot a dirty look her way.

I walked through the door about three steps behind her. She noticed me, she knew I'm tailing her.

"You Dont have to be so far behind me." she said as she turned around

*flashback to this morning*

"I'm counting on you O'Donnell." the captain said, a deadly look resting in his eye.

"I won't let you down captain, I get how deep this." I said, attempting to convey my understanding of the dangers.

"No you dont," he snapped " you are my litteral last hope. With Shawns death on the job," the thought of Shawn being gone made my body visibly sag, " nobody will volunter for work anymore. I have to take you , an obiouse flight risk, out of suspension because everyone else is too scared to face this girl." he walked over to his filing cabinet and slammed his fist down. "God dammit. This took too much of a toll on this unit." I took that stament as a dismisle and I made my way back to my desk. I let my head rest in my hands for a good minute before I read the mission dossier.

*flashback ends*

She grabbed at my neck, I reacted too slowly and she flipped me over her shoulder. My breath shot out of me as my back absorbed the impact. I heard gaspes of shock and horror all around me. Someone's kid started crying. I started to sit up and explain that everything was okay, when I relized she was gone. I jumped and started asking where she went, or at least which direction. When evrybody started looking at me like I was crazy was When I have up. I trudged through the station with heavy feet when my phone dinged.

And at this moment the lion became the elk. Get to a hospital, wouldn't want you to be concussed.

- C.S.

I slammed my hand against the wall. Another round of gasps started, I rolled my eyes and started my long trek home.

*3 days later*

Each day I reported back with nothing. Each day captain looked closer and closer to firing me. Today I shuffled tho his office slowly, dreading my impending doom. His door opened before I could reach the door knob. His expression showed he had been expecting me.

"Come in." was all I got as a greeting.

"You want the good news or the bad?" I asked rather courageously considering the good news was slim.

"Good, if there is any." he replied, zero enthusiansum.

"The bruise I'm my back is clearing up." I said sheepishly.

"Considering your recent work, I'm not sure why that's good news for me," he glance at me venomusly," and I'm guessing the bad news is no further contact?" he asked still giving me the death stare. I opened my mouth to asnwer, but before I could say anything my phone chimed. The air chilled in his office.

"Could it be?" he asked leaving leaving the rest of the question floating in the silent atmosphere.

"It has too be." I said, "since shawn...left, nobody has made the effort to deal with me." I chanced this stament and the air grew colder. I could see the captain resented what I said, futhermore evidence that Shawn was what Made me likeable. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pushed the wake button. Sitting on my lock screen what a short text, showing my independent incompatense.

So baby needs permission to speak with the bad guys.

Even without the sign off, I knew who this was. I passed my phone to the captain, whose eyes darkened as he read on.

"She's taunting us-"

"Me," I cut in, "she taunting me."

"Anyhow, you must understand you are, under no cercumstances, permitted to talk to her without my say-so. Do you under stand O'Donnell?"

Again, the phone chimed before I could answer him.

" its a link." he said, which was followed by Another chime.

" for O'Donnells eyes only cap'."

he read aloud . He extended his hand out, I went to grab it and he pulled it out of reach.

"Say nothing until I say so."

This time he wasn't asking for understanding. I grabbed my phone and opened the link. It was a picture of me and the captain, him holding my phone and me looking like a lost dog. It was taken from the inside of the office. Under it was a picture of shawn, one if never seen before. Next was me and him having lunch on a patio, taken from my favorite cafe. After that was several shotsa of me and shawn making love. All taken from the inside of etheir me or his aparment. All different angles. Under all of these were a video. I pushed play and was shown the underside of a bed. The springs were moving up and down. There was moaning, one was distintly shawn, but the woman was not me. I sat down and held the atm of the chair like the floor was caving in. The voices gained volume, then Faded under a familiar voice.

" don't be pathetic Kate, I know he was your one, but you wernt even his 8." the moans increased and for louder again, and shawn spoke.

" best I've ever had. I love you."

He spoke with sincerity. The pain hit me like a ton of bricks. The captain grabbed my phone and began looking through the link. But nothing mattered now, not only because shawn never talked to me after sex, also not because he never said he loved me. But because that was my bed they were on, and for whatever reason, that was the worst thing. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at the captain and saw cold eyes staring back.

"I'm sorry Kate. But this changes nothing, your still on this case. She still killed shawn. Murder is worse than cheating." the captains hand dropped and he walked back to the desk. My eyes dried on their own.

"I know." I said as I stood and grabbed my phone of the captains desk and hit the call button.

" Kate stop!" the captain shouted.

" playing with the big dogs now?"

She answered on the first ring.

"How do you know it's not me in that bed, huh? Its in my own ducking apartment isn't it?"

" oh kate, the answers simple. I I is it's not you, because it's me."

The world stopped. I fell to my knees. I saw the captains lips moving, but his nosense was drowned out by my own thoughts. I felt my body being pulled up, I watched myself being walked out of the office, I heard the amount of can fair I owed but I didn't absorb anything. I entered my apartment as empty as it was. I fell in my bed, I don't know when I got up.

So I'm not sure how to smoothly tranfer in a flashback
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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