CHAPTER 1 The Island of Darkness

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One night I woke up early because of a dream. I dreamt about  me and the time when I was going to face my father, Lord Garmadon. I went to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water but instead I found a note, it read:
To Lloyd,
The day where we must battle is almost upon us, and when I start the doom clock there will only be 1 week before we battle. My advice, stand down, you will never be powerful enough to stop me.
- Garmadon
After reading that letter, I knew that there was no hope of preventing the final battle. I went back to bed and fell asleep dreaming about the things I have already accomplished, as well as things that haven't come to happen yet. Sensei Wu was right, I did have the power of foresight as well as all the elements.

The next day I was the last to wake up, which meant all the hot water would be gone. "Yay," I mumbled to myself, "Bad nights sleep and a cold shower"


"Ahhh, good night sleep, hot shower and the last slice of cake, my life is awesome." I said while wolfing down the cake. Where was everyone, Sensei was meditating, Kai and Nya were in the bridge of the Destiny's Bounty looking over everything, Zane was trying to beat his 10 minute record underwater, and Jay was in the bathroom doing his hair. I knew what I was going to get him for his birthday, a golden hairbrush with pink diamonds, he has been in there for half an hour. Finally he came out whistling and still in his PJs.
"Hey princess," I said, "did our little darling have a bad hair day." I started laughing at my own joke.
" Laugh all you want, I want to look good for Nya" he said it in a way that made me shut my mouth. For 5 seconds that is. When he was walking back to our room to get changed, Cole waited for Jay to start getting changed.
"Careful, Careful." Jay said while taking of his tee shirt trying not to mess up his hair.
"Ohh, Jay." I said in a motherly tone " Make sure you take you clothes of carefully, you wouldn't want to ruin your hair." And as if Kai had heard me the ship made a sharp turn. THUMP.
"NOOOOOO!!" screamed Jay. He came out with his tee shirt half on  and jeans. But the most funniest thing was his hair, there was parts sticking up everywhere. While I was on the floor laughing at him, Nya came in to see what all the commotion was about, then she saw me laughing, then looked at Jay. Kai walked in right behind Nya to get some help and fell on the ground laughing. Oh what a start to the day.

Sensei Wu

While the ninja were having the time of their lives upstairs, I sat in the smoke room waiting for a vision to come to me. WHOOSH. The smoke started swirling than it expanded like a flat screen tv. I saw a ninja dressed in purple standing next to a new enemy, the purple ninja looked vaguely familier to me. The purple ninja jumped down from the podium slamming on the ground where it split in two sending purple stars everywhere. I realised just then that she was the master of magic, when she took off her mask, I gasped. She looked like Lloyd. Long blonde hair beautiful green eyes and a purple aurora surrounding her. Then she said the most weird thing, Hello Uncle Wu, come and find me if you can!
When the vision ended there was a knock at the door.
"Come in" I answered. It was Nya.
"Sensei we are here," she said half happy half sad, " we have arrived at the Island of Darkness."
I could tell she was upset because she didn't get to go on the mission with the ninja. So I said, "Nya, your time will come, besides I need your help to set up base. Its not like the ninja will be any help"
"Yes Sensei." She replied a bit more happily.

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