Get Back (One Shot)

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I let out a heavy breath then blow my hands and rubbed it. It's winter and I'm wearing my favorite sweater of him bought along from Norway when his dad had a business and a vacation there. I can say I miss him and his family.

I heard they're back from having a family vacation in Scotland. He left early before their family left last month. He left me with no words. I asked his mom before they leave and she said that maybe he goes to Scotland way too early because he was excited about going there. But his mom also don't know where did he go. He didn't even told me that they will have a family vacation there. If I didn't asked his mom, then maybe I'll look like a fool waiting for him to come back.

It's been two months since I have seen his face. And I miss him terribly. I wonder if he had changed. Or still got that coiffed blonde hair. But I don't know if things will still be the same. I don't know if he's still my boyfriend. He left with no words right before their family vacation. Then now he's back but with his family already. Is he crazy? He didn't even said goodbye. Well, I don't want to hear it either. I hate good-byes. But there are two kinds of good-bye in this world: good-bye for bad and good-bye for good.

I know this is not a big deal for everyone. But for me it is, even if it's just two freaking months. What I don't understand is why did he left with no words. He left me with a sea of maybes and an ocean of what-ifs.

"Penny for your thoughts?" my sister lay on her bed and hugged her pillow. I'm still looking at the foggy city of Cardiff.

"I don't have penny. All I have is paper money." I laugh slightly "Joke. Still wondering if we're still together, you know."

"Is that a joke for you? Duh! Aw why don't you talk to him? You still have the right, honey. There's no wrong there. Oh! And he should really give a reason why did he left you with no words."

I took a sip of my hot coffee. Well, it's not morning. But I swear, if you give me a coffee, I'll drink it anytime, anywhere.

"You think? I'm just.."

"Nervous? Oh don't be! There's no reason why you should be." She stood up from laying then stand beside me by the window. "Things will going to work out, again." Then she winks at me and left our room.

"Oh how I wish." I whispered as I blink and look at the blinking lights of beautiful Cardiff.

I went to the living room to watch movie when my mom shouted from the kitchen.


"Yes, mom?" I said then went to where she baked brownies lately in the afternoon. Smells good as always. She can build a bakeshop, I can say. But she's not really into it. Yes, she's into baking but she's lazy sometimes haha, I'm such like her. But I don't bake.

"Smells great!" My dad shouted from the living room.
"I'm ready for dinner!" My brother shouted as they high-five with daddy.

"Mom, why don't you just-" My mom cut whatever my sister will tell.
"I don't want to build a bakeshop. Like never. Get it?"

"We really don't get it." We all said in unison. We all laugh including my dad and lil brother from the living room.

"Back at what I'm saying, Alexis, can you bring this to your future mother-in-law?" She said while holding a cookie-box and gave it to me.

"What?" After what happened? I don't think so. I really wish she will be my future mother-in-law.

"I said bring it to Sophia, your boyfriend's mother. I know how she loves my brownies." Then she smiled.
"By the way, how's Louis? Send my regards to him and his family. Go ahead, give it to his mother while the smell lasts."

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