Chapter One

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'Emma! ' Sam shouted from downstairs 'It's time to go if you want to get in anywhere'

He was wrong of course we didn't need to get there early to get in, we could just compel the bouncers to let us in and he knew that, he was just tired of waiting for me. Sam and I had been friends for 8 years, it was him who had turned me 5 years ago when I had turned 21 cause in his words 'your old enough to ruin your life, you might as well chose to ruin it with me'.

I had know about him from the start, we had meet at university first day of the first year. We had been put in the same flat in halls (the uni accommidaton) and we had hit it of straight away. I'm not gonna lie I had a bit of a crush on him which is why I made the effort to get on with him, I mean who wouldn't he is beautiful. He is everything every girl wants in a guy, tall dark and mysterious. The first night out for fresher's I got ridiculously drunk as is normal and all British Uni's and ended up having him carry me home - and I don't mean I was leaning in him a little, I mean actually carried me, cradled me against his chest carried me - all I can remember thinking on the pretty long walk from the clubs back to halls was 'wow he smells nice'. He ended up spending the night in my room to look after me, and honestly that all it was he sat in my desk chair and obviously I was passed out on my bed. Waking up in the morning was a weird one, I was in a room I had never been in before, had a killer hangover, and a guy I had only met the day before was asleep on my desk chair, but from that moment on we became the closed of friends, my crush dispersed pretty quickly out of embarrassment of that first night, and I haven't really thought about his chiselled features like that since. Soon after he told me everything from the beginning to end, and for some reason I didn't freak out I just took it all in and thought 'you know what that makes sense' and here we are today.

'Emma come on! You don't need make-up that's all part of being a bloody vampire' Sam shouted up again.

'Alright grumpy! give me one minute' I call back as I give myself a once over in the mirror, I was in a lacy white dress that cut off half way down my thighs, that came in a the waist and plunged at the front ( I want to look good tonight so had done some smoky eyes and a touch of a red lip, I hadn't touched my hair however it just flowed down my back in its loose blonde waves. I slipped one a pair of strappy white heels and headed downstairs.

'Finally' sighed Sam as I came of the bottom of the stairs, we lived in a Victorian town house just outside the centre of London, it has been Sam's for years but he just rents it out when he doesn't want to use it, why he moved into halls when he had this beautiful place to live in will always confuse me, but I'm not complaining cause if he had I wouldn't have met him. He had made an effort for tonight aswell, he was in black jeans and a black button up shirt, he looked incredible but then again he always does.

'Ready to go then? Are the others meeting us there?' I asked

'Yeh Vicky and Scott are meeting us there, they didn't want to have to get a taxi at this time of night so they went in earlier and got some dinner' He said smiling.

'Ohhhh yeh I forgot then had a date tonight, its so weird that they started dating after all this time, hope it goes well!' Vicky and Scott had been really close friends of mine from Uni they had done the same course and me, so the three of us had spent almost everyday together for three years, Sam has just grown to love them cause he doesn't have another chose. Vicky keeps getting annoyed at me though cause in her words 'I don't look like a day over 21' and little does she know she has hit the nail on the head.

Having to move away and never see them again is being alittle too close for my liking, Sam and I are both meant to be 26 and neither of us look older than 21, 5 years according to Sam is pushing it, we are gonna have to move on soon, but Vicky is one of the only people that has every just understood me, I can be completely myself around her and the idea of losing her, is so hard!

'Lets go then, you look incredible by the way' Sam said with the same smile on his face.

'You have to say that, your my best friend, and tonight is a big night' I thow over my shoulder as I walked out the front door.

'I still don't understand why you are making such a big deal out of tonight, its just another day Emma, nothing changes' What was he talking about of course everything changes, we are moving on soon and I'm never gonna see two of my best friends again, and my family and everyone else, tonight was my last big night as Emma the care free girl from Uni, well before I do it all over again.

'Oh come on, lets just go' I sighed at him and I grabbed his arm and started pulling him down the street 'lets just have a good night'


'Emma! Sam!' Vicky screamed as she ran towards us which was impressive in the killers heels she was wearing, she may be 26 but damn did she look good tonight she has in a little black bodycon and she looked incredible. Scott in dressed almost identically to Sam except his bottom up shirt needed to have a few more bottoms done up. 'Its so good to see you its been what a week?'

'Yeh Vicks it's been far to long' I smiled as I pulled her in for a hug, 'I'm guessing the date went well honey, you been drinking already?'

'Maybe a little we had some wine with dinner nothing major, I got tonight under control' She giggled back at me. We all made our way over to our favourite bar, and I hung back with Vicky and Scott as Sam talked to the bouncers, then with a slightly confused smile we got a nod and waved in.

It was packed inside and the music was thumping as me made our way other to the bar. Being the girls it fell on me and Vicky to get the drinks as well all London bars have a thing about not serving guys when they can help it, it just a lot easier being a girl in London on nights out is all I'm gonna say, and an awful lot cheaper too.

A couple of tequila shots in and I could see that Sam had tensed up abit, so I told Vicky and Scott that we were gonna go outside for a breather and we would be back, they seemed more than happy to have some alone time. Once outside he seemed to relax alittle bit but not all the way. 'Sam what is it?'

'Something just doesn't feel right Ems, its smells weird in there' This got me worried, last time he said that was then there were other vampires around, and although they wouldn't dream of hurting us , it doesn't mean that other vampires cant make your life hell and hurt the people you care about if you don't play your cards right.

'Is it the same ones as last time?' I asked praying it wasn't, last time a couple had stayed a few nights at a hotel near our place and had caused so much chaos that the police opened up a huge investigation and announced that there was a serial killer on the lose in London, of course some of the bodies were ours, be we are always very careful and try to limit who and how many, this couple just stormed in and took whoever they wanted whenever.

'No, its completely different, are you telling me you cant smell it?'

'All I can smell is all the sweat and alcohol, it smells pretty normal to me, but then again we know that you're much better at picking stuff up then I am' He was starting to worry me.

'I have just never smelt anything like it before, I couldn't tell you what it was at all, its not others but its not human either.' Okay now I am terrified,

'We need to get Vicky and Scott out of here' was all I could say.

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