❤️Chapter One❤️

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Chapter one - chapter one will be nothing special really...  I think this shit is just flowing  rn But do read!
Started Tuesday December 29 somewhere between 4-5 am 😂😄😉
Dean 💋
Blood meat I can smell it.. I want it... My wolf is fully out now I have morphed.. My 18th birthday was months ago but I didn't morph but I have now and my wolf is hungry. Meat I need it my wolf screamed at me. I run through the forest hunting my prey, what is it? I have no idea it's big bulky and making my mouth water. I cut it off as it tries to turn and sink my sharp teeth into the hot flesh. A caribou. I rip the flesh effortlessly and rip a chunk off the meat and eat. Wolves! There's another wolf, more than one I assume, nearby.. No one steals my food I get up its dark my night vision senses have already kicked in. I growl fiercely and look around. Two males three females surrounding my prey. I growl a loud growl they all stop in their tracks as they were advancing. Their tales and heads fall in a submissive manner and a whimper escapes the males lips. I have no idea what happened but I have a feeling I'm in control. "Rise" I command and they do. "Come forth and take a chunk of this meat and feast." They look up surprised and I nod towards the caribou. My hungry wolf complains but I am in control now and I will share. A male looks at me and speaks up "How did you do that?" I give him a confused look and tilt my head and he snorts "you don't know? You have to meet our alpha he will have a problem with this" he mutters but I hear. I growl at him and he scrambles back With His tail behind his legs. "I will meet no alpha! He is not my alpha. I belong to no pack I am my own wolf. You tell your alpha what you please!" He nods and goes back to his meat. Meat I rip off a strip of meat and ask "how far away is your pack?" A female speaks up stuttering on her words "j-just outsi-ide the forest.. Alp- I mean ma'am!" She says and give her a confused tilt but reply bluntly "you will take the rest of this to your pack and share as much as you can. With the lower ranked wolves and if you defy me.. Think twice before you cross my path again.." I threaten at the end. I'm still in control. I get up and nod at them all and start to walk away. "At least tell us your name!" A male says and when I look back it is the meet and greet suggestions wolf. I snarl out my reply "Dean." My wolf comes in control and shows my sharp fanged front teeth before running into the forest. Stretching out my legs roaming further, I need a home. A pack but I will not be dominated by a stupid alpha. No.. I will become the Alpha. I turn around and my wolf howls. I'm coming into their pack and they will accept me. I run back to through the edge of the forest. I see many wolves in their human forms. I rush past them looking for the center house not even glancing at the people who try to stop me. Sadly many males fail after I flash my teeth and growl. They all scamper back and run away. I rush in to the center house but walk cooly into the room where I can sense the alpha. I walk in and see the same creamy chocolate colored wolf from before. I chuckle getting there attention "hello again meet and greet!" I say morphing into my human form. FUCK IT HURTS! I am left naked but don't care I am confident about my body I have quite amazing curves and they both eye goggle me before snapping out of it when I growl at them. I feel weird. I look at the alpha and my wolf screams in pleasure just looking at him. I smirk as he looks to the creamy colored wolf. "Luke? Is this the Female you talk about? The one that could become more than just a pack dog?" He speaks in a low voice but I can still hear even though they are at a very low whisper. His voice is deep and my wolf is howling with wants right now but I resist the urge to fling myself at him. I snap my fingers and their attention turn to me but I'm staring at them already and my hand is held out to my side and a maid instantly brings clothes. You may wonder how? I can send everyone here mind messages. Even the alpha but that, he doesn't need to know! I can also read all their minds except for the alpha, I need permission. He gives me a cold glare knowing that I was trying to enter his mind and I just grin as I put on warm clothes. Ahh warm making me smile widely as I stride confidently straight up to the two wolves. I sit down in a chair and cross my legs "I heard you might want to meet me?" I say and he nods in confirmation. "I will be joining your pack Mr.Alpha. Is this clear? I know I just ordered you around," I lean into his ear "but you can't deny me. Because you feel the pull too." I whisper but when I lean back into my chair I make sure to brush my lips against his cheek. He growls at me, but I know it's just a confirmation and he's frustrated that it's true. I laugh at this and they Just look at me weirdly, "So my alpha! Explain your pack to me who is you second in command? Do you have a mate? And can I replace your second? I'm obviously stronger than almost everyone in this pack! You know this already don't you?" He grins at me. "My second in command is Luke. You will be taking no position. You're nothing but a slut to me." I burst out laughing and in a seductive tone reply "only for you alpha" I wink at him and he gets up and growls at me. He is towering Over me, you think I'd coward away, wouldn't you? I stood up and growled just as strong right up at his face. His 6'5 didn't help my 5'8 so I was a hell of a lot shorter.
He looked at me for a second before turning to m&g "dungeon three days no food or water." His voice rumbles
I chuckle and say to him with the same tone "sit. You will not do this because you can't resist!" I giggle as he sits and obviously Mr.Alpha Is dumbfounded.
"I just told your second in command to sit like a little helpless puppy and he listened" I mused as he stared at me "he wasn't kidding.." He finally spoke up after me checking my nails for the hundredth time.
Well damnnnn! This surprisingly  turned out better than I thought! WOOO! Yas!
Okay well.. Do you think she can defeat her new packs Alpha but also her mate? She doesn't know what the pull is she is to young but she definitely had a threatening demeanor and demanding tone! Don't ya think? Definitely Alpha material. ;)

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