The Forgotten (A Naruto Fanfic)

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So this is something that i have wanted to do for like ever!!! I read a lot of them :/ now i seem like a nerd O_o i really hope that you like it :) so without further ado!! Enjoys my story!

And one thing...... I DO NOT OWN NARUTO OR ANYTHING REMOTELY RELATED TO NARUTO!! Sry i wish i did :( :)


Chapter 1

I ran through the woods as fast as i could. The rain poured down so hard and it made it harder to see. I couldnt get caught by him! I would be killed. He killed everyone else so why wouldnt he kill me? I needed to fight back.

I bit my thumb and red liquid oozed from it. I placed my thumb in the palm of my other hand and screamed "Summoning Jutsu!"

A blue light shined from my hand and the hilt of a sword started to come out. I grabbed it and pulled the 4 ft sword from my hand. I turned around and listened with my wolf ears that were on top of my head.

Yes, I said it. I have wolf ears. And a wolf tail. I come from a village of beast people. Now by beast people, i mean people who could summon beasts and have them as companions. But I could not only summon them, but they were my friends and family. I was the only one with wolf ears and tail.

I was an outcast. Everyone hated me. Even my own family. The only one that excepted me was my sister, Kosame, and she was killed on along with everyone else by a man with a black cloak with red clouds. He had the sharingan and black hair. I knew him from years ago. He was Itachi Uchiha.

I couldnt believe that he would do this. He killed everyone. Even my parents and my beloved sister.

Oh, I forgot; I havent introduced myself, my name is Rumiko Korodon. I am now the soul survivor of the Korodon clan.

I heard footsteps coming towards me. Just one set though. It must have been Itachi. He came into view and I held my sword out in front of me.

"Why Itachi!? Why did you kill them all!?"

"Why? Because I could. Your clan is stonger than most. I wanted to test my abilities."

"NO! I DONT BELIEVE YOU!! We are friends. Please, I dont want to die..."

I stared at him with luminous golden eyes, tears streaking down my face. He stared at me with his hypnotizing onyx eyes and disappeared without saying another word. I slunk down and cried until i fell asleep.

     I opened my eyes only to see a large black wolf with blue on its stomach and paws and a bit around its left eye looking at me with concern. She was beautiful, standing tall and proud with breathtaking silver eyes with just a hint of blue mixed into them.

"So who are you? You're so pretty."

"I'm Arora. I live out in these woods. Who are you and why are you here?"

"I-I came here because i was being chased. My clan was all murdered and I didnt know what to do..."

Arora layed down and rested her head on my lap. "Well i guess I'll stay with you then" :)


End of chapter one :) :) i hope you. Enjoyed. I know its short but it was just a beginning. Later chapters will be longer.

The Forgotten (A Naruto Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now