The first meet.

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I opens the fridge. NOTHING!
"Mom when is the last time you went grocery shopping"?
No answer
I walked out of the kitchen to go to the living room, there se was passed out on the couch and next to her on the coffee table their were empty bottles of bud light.
I sigh c'mon mom your better than this I said, picking up all the beer bottles and throwing them away.
I ran upstairs went into my moms purse and grabbed her credit card and grabbed my keys, kissed my moms forehead, grabbed a blanket covers her up ticked in the sides and her feet. I went in the bathroom to freshen up I've been working all day on a new song. I like to read and write and I love music so I put those things together and I write songs. Anyway I went in the downstairs bathroom.

Oh god I look like shit I thought to myself. I combed my hair put it in a messy bun,brushed my teeth,put some perfume on and rushed out the door.
~~~~~~~~10 min drive~~~~~~~~~~

I walked out I was in a black tank top,
Grey joggers, black converse high tops.(so I was lookin great)😒

I ran in the store grabbed a cart and went for the dairy isle. I got milk, cheese, coffee creamer, eggs. Then I went into the drink isle I needed ARIZONA! I got a gallon of that then went to the chip isle grabbed a bag of sour cream and onion chips and some pretzels and Oreos. But the Oreos were on a high shelf I looked down both isles to see if there was anyone their, no one. I put my right foot on the bottom shelf and pulled myself up and my left on the next shelf, I reached as hard as I could but I was still to damn short! DAMN IT! I yelled.
"Uh miss do you need help".
I was startled and fell off the shelf on my back.
"Owwwwwww that hurt" I said rubbing my back.
I felt a strong arm help pull me up.
I patted my butt so nothing was on it.
I looked up right into someone's beautiful green eyes I was just losing my self, his eyes were like Oblivion.
"Uh miss are you okay "?
That interrupted my thoughts, "oh ya I'm fine it just my back".
"What were you trying to do"?
"Get Oreos, can you reach them for me"?
"Sure" the handsome guy handed me the Oreos.
"Ugh thanks".
"No problem, are you sure your okay it sounded like it hurt"?
Well no duh it hurt I thought to myself.
"Yea I'm fine".
"Your a beautiful creature, did Zeus make you"? I thought to myself
"What did you say"?
Well I thought, I thought that to myself.
"Ugh nothing,thanks for your help
Okay, bye"I said awkwardly and rushed to the front to pay for my groceries. I handed the lady my moms card and bagged up the groceries and walked out.

I couldn't stop thinking about that guy. I don't think he worked There, umm where do I know him from is it vine or idk I will find out tonight. I pulled up in my driveway there were 2 cop cars there. My mind went blank, my heart was starting to race, race so hard I couldn't breath. My lungs were gasping for air. I was having a panic attack. I was used to these and anxiety attacks, I just needed to calm my thoughts and my breathing.
In-out,in-out,in-out. Did that another 8 times. Okay I was calm what it going on? I walked out of the car,holding my keys in my hand locking the doors and opening my house door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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