Her Midnight Eyes

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She just sits around the classroom, sometimes by the window, sometimes by the door. She likes biting her lips in a nervous manner.

I like that girl.
She is beautuful, unnoticable and sincere or not so impressed mind dectates, we do not know anything about her, no one wants to know anyway.

I do not meddle either. Like an emphirical painting at angels at Louvre, she is to be admire, not an approached.

It was calming day when I first rod a gut to at least say "hi", she forced a smile at her thin lips, and gave me a started look. She looks frightened, amazed, possibly surprise that I can even made her seem visible.

"Hi, I'm Kelly" I begin " I thought you're so quiet at school even more introvert than me" I smiled.

"Can we be friends?" I asked. She just stared. It's as if in the deep thought. After a long wait, she nodded her tiny head.

That calming day was the beginning of a quiet tranquil friendship between me and her.

Like a grateful ballema, she follows me around wherever I go, Sits beside me, eat beside me.

We never talked but she nods her head in my stories and forces a smile in my misadventures.

It was a weird, mutual friendship between two society outcasts, but I enjoyed her company, boring as it may seem to others.

I understand her and she understands me, and isn't that what friends do?

For months, its been like that. Though, people seem to notice me now, possibly because of my good grades, she is still my one and only friend.

She bear no malice, no ill, and no will. Even when the school campus crush, Steven started to court me, unlike other girls who smile at my face abd laugh behind my back, she was different. She' s not envious, not even a bit.

Then one day I said YES to Steven. In a rainy afternoon, he first held my hands and whispered I Love You. It was then I realized I loved him too.

I was so excited to tell my friend about it. He was my first love, and though the odds maybe hard, and the bullies maybe harsh, I am willing to go out with Steven. This I declared to my friend, with piece certainty. She just smiled, sadly. And in her deep midnight eyes, I know she wishes me well.

As expected, others hated me, they went far as tearing my textbooks to shreds and putting lotions in my grim class shoes just to prove their loyalty to their hallucinations. I cried all my tears on her shoulder, and her cold, assuring pot comforts me.

Then at Steven's birthday I was invited to his house. Want to bring her with me, but she shakes her head as a solemn "no" so I went alone, only to leave in tears.

He wants to have something very important. Something I cherish and I refuse. That "thing" was supposed to be done by happily married couple, right?
But his word lingered. "If you love me, you will trust me. I can't live a relationship without trust." He said.

He'll give me time as mere 3 days to decide whether I give in or give up on him. I love him; I'm worried and confused.

Early on the next morning, I ran myself in the school garden. I found my friend sitting on a stone, beside the hydrangeas. I cried my tears to her again, much intense, much sorrowful, than when I was being bullied.

"What's wrong?" She whispered. For the first time I heard her fluid voice. As soft as rustling leaves and flowing water. I hugged her and confessed. Between sobs and confusion, she looks at me with her kind eyes. When I finished, there was a long silence. Then she spoke "love is like a wind Kelly. It changes. He may love you today, and then hate you tomorrow. There's not even the slightest guarantee that he will love you at all." She brushes my tears away with her delicate fingers "if you're going to lose it give it to someone you trust. No" she smiles "someone worthy of your trust" she stand up ans left me, but her words made an impact.

The next morning I made my decision. I walked along corridors, seeing either her or Steven. Looking for my friend, I open doors slightly one-by-one, hoping that I'll see her. She's not hard to find and I wonder if she's absent. I opened another door and shocked on what I saw.

It is Steven, and some freshmen student. He was kissing her deeply both uniform unbuttoned. I stared for a longtime like an idiot. So when Steven look up, he jumped in horror, his eyes are guilty and surprised. I walked away, my feet dragging my steps. Steven catches up and grabbed my arm.

"It's not what you think"

I glanced at his exasperated face "yes, it's not what I think it is" I stopped him "I trust you even decided to give my soul to you" I broke my eye contact. "But thank you for proving me that I am wrong" It was the last time I talked to him.

For months, I've been butt by everyone's jokes because Steven cheated on me but at that time, I earned the respects of my teachers, because of my good grades never went below excellent. Little by little I became accepted. But I never forgot my friend, who disappeared. Because I have no real friends, I frequented myself in the school library, reading anything first caught my eyes. I came across an old yearbook. It dated back down to 1986. I saw the forms section media, my section and sitting beside the school adviser, was a student with little graceful features and midnight eyes. It was my friend. It was her.

"She's beautiful right?" I looked up and saw the school librarian looking at the yearbook. "Her name was Gisselle. She's so smart, pretty but always alone. She used to date the school heartthrob, Roger but was rumored pregnant" I stared in awe.'' Maybe it's true because why would she jump from 5th floor if there was no serious problem?"

~~~~~the end~~~

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