Chapter One

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Chat Noir's heart would explode out of his chest if he stayed around any longer.

The city lights twinkle around him, and suddenly he feels as if each light penetrates his skin, burning whatever was left inside of him.  The metal creaks underneath his boots as he takes off into the night, far, far away from the stupid tower.  In this moment, he finally understands what it means -- pure, absolute heartbreak.  Shattering into a million pieces, slicing his insides, and turning his entire world upside down.

With one last beep from his ring, the transformation wears off, leaving the exasperated superhero in his civilian form.  The black kwami emerges from the Miraculous and floats into the air.  He perches his body on his owner's shoulder, unsure of what to do.  He's never been good with the whole feelings thing.

"At least we're home now," tries Plagg as they approach the entrance to the grand mansion. 

Adrien offers no response.  In the three years he's been with the boy, he's never seen him shut down completely.

He steps inside and heads straight for the kitchen, reaching into the fridge for some Camembert.

"Eat," says Adrien in a low voice.  ''You need the energy."

Plagg takes the cheese and replies with a mouthful, "Me?  Look at yourself!  You're a mess."

Adrien bangs his fists on the counter.  "You think this is easy, Plagg?  I'm trying my hardest.  My father is dying, Paris is falling apart, the girl I love just ran from me -- possibly forever!  I may never see her again!  She's all I love, all I have left, and all you have to say is I'm a mess?"

The heavy moonlight shines through the windows, casting sharp shadows across his face.  His eyes have gone red from a failed attempt to hold back hot tears, now streaming down his face.

"I -- I'm sorry.  You know I have no emotions unless it involves cheese."

Adrien looks down at the silver ring and draws a shaky breath.  "I love her, Plagg.  And she shut me down." Burying his hands in his face, he stifles another sob.  "Man, I'm such a wreck.  My life is ripping apart at the seams.  I don't know what to do anymore."

"Uh, maybe -- maybe you need sleep, you know?  It's late and you're exhausted."  Plagg offers up a faint smile.  "Maybe you'll feel better in the morning."

"Yeah," says Adrien groggily, rubbing his bloodshot eyes.  "Sleep sounds nice."  He scoops up the kwami and makes his way upstairs.  Plagg wasn't always the kindest companion, but Adrien knows one thing -- the mischievous creature does care for him.  And that's all he has left.


"Good morning, Adrien."

Marinette Cheng's clear blue eyes are the first thing Adrien notices upon lifting his head from his desk.  Her normal black pigtails are exchanged for a single ponytail tied with a red ribbon, and despite his mood, he can't help but notice how gorgeous she in a navy blue dress his father had designed.

"Hey," he greets, offering the fakest of smiles.  Sensing his sadness, a frown grows across Marinette's face.

"Is everything okay?  You seem a little down."

"Down would be an understatement," he sighs.  "But I'll be okay.  Thank you."

She flashes a faint smile before turning around in her chair.

The classroom is cold and dreary as threatening storm clouds loom over Paris.  There is nothing more Adrien wishes than to be anywhere but here -- he'd rather be jumping buildings as Chat Noir or to be with his lady fighting crime.  But only his lady isn't his lady . . . she never was, and she certainly isn't now.  He never found out who she was behind the mask.  Now there was no way he would ever find her.

The day drags on until the last bell rings, reminding him of the photo shoot that would take up the rest of his day.  No matter what happens to me, his father had told him, barely able to speak, the business must go on.  In a few weeks, the company would be handed down to Adrien, who had no interest in continuing the very thing that made his father cold and uncaring.  He decided that he would be selling it, maybe to Marinette.  Her designs are incredible, he told himself, and she could certainly carry on the Agreste name.

So deep in thought, Adrien almost didn't notice Chloé Bourgeois plant herself beside him on the front steps of the school. 

"Hey," she says, her blue eyes gazing into the rain.  "Ready for the photo shoot?  Natalie said it's going to be in next month's issue of France Couture."

Adrien couldn't care less.  He glances over at his modeling partner.  "Next month?  There may not even be an Agreste line next month."

A long pause passes between the two.  "I'm sorry, Adri.  I know this must be really hard for you."

Lately, Adrien was seeing this different side of Chloé.  After two years of modeling with her, she seeming revealed more of herself with each day.  The stuck-up bully Adrien once knew seemed to fade away, leaving a quiet, matured lady who had sort of grown on him over time.  He feels as if he's the closest thing she has to a friend these days.

The silver limo pulls up to the curb, and the two make a dash for it through the pouring rain.  As they climb into the vehicle, they can't help but laugh at the puddles that made their way in and the locks of blonde matted to both their foreheads.

"Stupid rain," she laughs.  "I wonder what's got Stormy Weather upset today!"

The words hit Adrien with a blow, making him flinch.  Stormy Weather had been a recurring enemy he'd faced countless times, and anything even pertaining to his hero life that was mentioned out of mask was dangerous.  But he remembers the girl is a closet cosplayer, a mega dweeb, a super fan of Ladybug and Chat Noir, and she knows the adversaries like the back of her hand.  It was quite ridiculous, really, but he's just glad she knows nothing of his double life.

Pulling up to the studio, the limo slows to a stop as the chauffeur offers an umbrella as they step out of the vehicle.  Making a run for the door leaves them exhausted when Natalie, Mr. Agreste's assistant, meets them at the entrance.

"Did you get my message?" she asks as Adrien notices the dark rings under her eyes and somewhat disheveled appearance.  Though she was getting older, he'd never seen her look so aged and troubled.  Something is wrong, but he refuses to believe it.  "The shoot was canceled today."

He lets out a sigh of relief.  "Thank goodness.  At least something good is happening today."

Natalie's eyes are still set on him.  "Adrien," she says after a long pause, "your father passed away this afternoon."

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