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Rain drops were covering the window. Joel signed, he hated this kind of weather but he couldn't really complain, he's been living in Britain all his life so rain is the normal here.

5 more minuets, 5 minuets until he can finally escape Mrs Lloyds useless speech about how important it is to explain answers with lots of detail in exams. Joel never got the point of mock exams, they stress teenagers out for no reason as they're not the actual big tests that they will be getting in the spring term.

He rolled his eyes at Mrs who had just caught some kid in the front row on her phone and glanced over at his classmates. Same bored face on every student, except one.  Of course Nia had a pissed of expression stuck on her face. He would of been surprised if it wasn't her, he had got so used to this attitude of hers that he wasn't surprised. He never had spoken to her, but he knew her well enough to know she was annoyed with the teacher.

" This is useless. "

Here we go again.

" Have you got something to say Nia? " Mrs turned around from the whiteboard and pinned her beady eyes to Nia.

" Actually yes I do. It's pointless you're teaching us something we've heard 100 of times coming from your polluted gob. How about you finally teach us something important, like how to make our sentences more formal in answers? Or how to use fancy punctuation to make our writing more engaging, wanting the examiners to think we know what we are talking when in total honesty we're rambling about some bullshit we don't know about and using more complicated punctuation to make us look some what smart."

" Okay Nia, if that's your opinion on my lessons why don't you stay after school and help me plan the next ones? "

" With pleasure Mrs. Maybe we will finally learn something decent. " with Nias finally comment there were chuckles and giggles spread across the class.

Joel rolled his eyes grinning. If it wasn't for Nia he would hate English.

Finally the bell for lunch went off and everyone rushed out the class while Joel put the books away and Nia was being spoken to once again. Joel didn't want to hear what they were talking about, he didn't care to be completely honest. All he wanted was to finally leave.

Nia left the class, following her straight after. Thinking about it, this is the closest he has ever been to her.

" Race you too the bottom of the stairs! " With a blink of an eye Nia was dashing down the slippery steps. Joel already had bad vibes about this.

" Hey wait it's slippery, you'll fa-"

It was too late. She took one wrong step and her life flashed before her eyes. Slipping off the edge and colliding down to the bottom of the stairs. Her neck meeting the end of her umbrella. Joel stood there in shock and horror, watching as her body was making final moves. She was twitching and letting out a pool of blood, coming from both her neck and mouth, her hitching with every second until there was complete silence.

He stood there stone still. Paranoid at what he had just witnessed. What is he meant to do? Look for a teacher or shout for help? None of them really mattered, which ever one would of been fine.


That's when one of the first year students showed up. Pale as paper after seeing the gruesome sight. Soon come more and more people before Mrs Lloyd showed up at the top of the stairs. Confused at what everyone was staring at her walked down the steps, gasping in horror as soon as she saw everything.

Sometime later everything got cleaned up, the blood puddle had be washed away and Nias body was taken away.

From that day, Joel knew that nothing was okay anymore. Nia will always pop into his mind, dead and covered in blood this time. There was no such a thing as turning back time now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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