Chapter One~ In The Beginning

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It was a dark and well... it was like a normal night, dark.

Anyhow i'm Rin, HI!!!! im 4 years old and I live with the very prestigious clan of the hidden rock village. Clan Akiyama meaning autumn mountain. My clan is known as the strongest in the earth lands. we have fought many battles and where one of the most victorious in the last Grate Ninja War. I lived with my mother and father and my older brother Deirdera. I loved my brother very much as he always took care of me and made sure I was okay. If anything bad happened I knew he would either be on his way to me or stood beside me.

Anyhow. I was on my way back from my first day at the academy. I hadn't made any friends As such but, im sure I will later. I was skipping back through the dark streets our clan took the back section of the village we where a pretty big family. all the lights were off. Everywhere in our area, this wasn't right. as I kept on walking the wind started to pick up, pulling the bad I had closer to my side I began to run. where was everyone? was I dreaming? no this was real. I couldn't shake the feeling something bad happened. looking over my shoulder I was sure that a tall figure has emerged from the darkest shadows and was following me. Ready to grab me and pull me back into the ibises of never ending darkness. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me until I reached the large wooden door of my house. Entering the property chills ran down my spine as an ice cool atmosphere surrounded me. something was defiantly up. I kicked off my shoes and ran to the kitchen, throwing the door back as I entered the lights were off however I could clearly make out that there was food scattered across the floor. bowls and plates were smashed and the gas was on from the cooker. the stench of it was unbearable. I ran out and tripped onto the porch of the back garden leading to my mother and fathers room.

I called for them but there was no reply so I pulled myself up and dusted myself off before running as fast as I could go to my mother and fathers room. I didn't even knock or call again I just pulled the door back and fell into the room. the door sliding shut after me. no lights again. raising my hand out into the darkness I tried to make out any shapes however, nothing.

"Mama, Papa?" I whimpered as tears started to roll down my face.

"Rin shhhh~ its okay dedepi is here" a voice called from the shadows.

A hand appeared taking mine softly and pulling me into a warm body. I looked up into a pair of dark blacky brown eyes. My brother. My heart stopped beating like a drum and I cuddled into him

"Look Rin we need to get out of here now okay? I can't pack anything but I picked up bunny and your blanket so lets go" he sighed lifting me up and wrapping the blanket round me. I snuggled into bunny and him more while a strange Cloak was pulled around me as we'll hiding the rest of my and coving brother.

Lightening started to pierce through the sky and it lit up everywhere so brightly. Looking over my brothers shoulder a clash of lighting struck a few miles out however that's when I saw it.... The memory I would never forget. Them... My parents bodies lying lifeless on the floor. Pools of blood surrounding them and the stench of it filling my nose. My eyes welled up as I tried to brake free from deidaras grip

"Mummy!! daddy!!" I screamed

"He's in there" voices yelled from outside as I heard lots of voices and noises from outside.

"Shit they found me" cursed my brother running into the back garden and jumping the fence gripping me tightly. I was still trying to get away back to my mum and fathers bodies to weep but I couldn't.

"Deidara give her to me. I'll take her back. You sasori, Kabuto and pein hold off here okay?" A man yelled.

I was passes into his arms and was taken into the darkness of the forest. I was shaking and frightened. Tears dropped from my eyes and I slowly fell limp in this mans arms.

~two hours later~

I awoke to being wrapped in my blanket and resting on that strange cloak brother was wearing earlier. I rubbed my eyes and sat up slowly. It was a dark dismal place. A cold chill in the air.

"U-uhhh" I stuttered standing up slowly looking around.

"Your awake. well hello there" a deep voice said. He knelt down to my level and smiled softly placing a hand on my head. " So your the famous Rin. Your brother made sure a room was here for you"

"Where am i? where is bunny?" I stuttered shaking a little.

" No need to be scared. Your safe here. Your brother and some others are away getting themselves sorted for the night. You dropped your bunny but I stopped to pick him up. He fell in mud but he's drying now. I washed him for you little one" the man smiled. He had lines going down across his cheeks. Black hair and kind eyes. His smile was soft and I felt safe.

"I'm Itachi Uchia. Welcome to your new home"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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