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"Hurry up and pay me nigga! I gave you a lap dance plus a kiss! You better be glad I gave yo ugly ass that much." I said to one of my customers.

Yes, I'm a stripper. But don't get me fucked up. I'm not a hoe. I just do whatever it takes to get money. With the exception of prostitution. Don't get me wrong. Money is the motive.

I also own a drug cartel. I make more money than Bill Gates hoe! This stripping job is just to make it seem like I'm legit. No one wants to walk around with dirty money.

I don't have a man. My lavish lifestyle doesn't have time for some nigga trying to hold me down.

Mama always taught me to be independent. I've had some boyfriends but in the end they all wanted one thing.

When I was 17, I started stripping. I made shit loads of money but I felt like that wasn't enough. At the age of 19, I was introduced to the drug game by one of my brothers. He later got killed so I took over the empire.

Hustling ain't easy. Shit, life ain't easy. But that ain't bout to stop me from making this money.


(Picture of Cashmere to the side)

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