Once an innocent child,
Too young to comprehend the evil within-
The world in which she lived in
Until one day, Life decided to bite her-
A traitorous snake,
And from the snake's venom-
That innocence was wiped away,
She put on a strong face to hide away her demons,
Acted like the oldest sibling she was meant to be,
Pretended that everything was okay
She always knew she was different-
When she was always alone,
And not even her parents visited her cage
Her eyes always stapled wide-
As she'd cry herself to exhaustion each night
She'd keep a viper hold on the only friend she'd ever known,
Never voicing her own opinion, afraid that'd scare her away,
Silent and obedient so as not to lose their companionship,
Anxiety telling her in ushered tones-
That being herself would drive everyone away
But of course, everything only lasts for a little while,
Well, in her case, only the good-
When that one close friend moved away
Leaving her all alone in her jail cell once more,
Leaving Evelyn with only herself to blame
'Never disagree, never let them know-
After all, your depression is fake,
Stop being so selfish,
Others have it worse, don't break your family's perfect image'
The demons told her, constantly
So, Evelyn was silent as a mouse,
A fake smile always curled around her plastic face,
As she tore herself down for feeling so bad,
For being such a burden, disappointment,
And for being so broken
One day, Evelyn moved-
Moved to a far away state
One much colder and stricter,
Less warm and gentle towards her 'kind'
But, that was yet to be discovered
She 'reconciled' with her parents,
As everyone so bluntly put it,
But you can't reconcile with someone-
You never knew to begin with
And so her new life began