It all started by my owner trying to jump off the Rainbow bridge, In Tokyo. But whilst she was walking up the bridge she got hit by a car, and the thing driving the car was me, Nanbow the cat :D.
The man who pushed her into the car was my husband Bownan the dog who I have 9001 (ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!) children with. Their names are Finn Jake Fionna Cake Gumball Flamey Pie po(o)py fluuuufy (too creative?)........ *dies listing all 9001 names and comes back as zombie Nanbow* Hai!
Well basicly then i when to go and take a poop and think about what to write next....... #swag #poopalicious
I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Arlette this ones for you!) Suddenely Sebastian, Ciel, Ryuzaki and Light appear and bitchslap me and Bownan,............. WITH A DEATH NOTE!!!!!! (and Grells chainsaw - modified death sythe) Did you know that green isn't a creative colour mr Ciel! WHY YOU WEAR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #I_Just_Shat_My_Pant
*Deciding whether or not to publish this......*
TO BE CONTINUED...............
*pokemon outro*